Thirty Nine

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"Can you have Jacob on third shift? He's a better fit for Mackenzie and Kaitlyn." Omisha leaned forward to eye the new employee schedule they'd be rolling out today.

"No problem." Loraine chirped before the sound of her nails hitting the keyboard filled the speaker. Due to everything that happened, she extended her stay until further notice while putting Loraine in charge because she was so close to the woman.

"Also, a man by the name of Witticker has been calling for the last week about an interview." Omisha placed her head into her hands as she recalled her words to the man in the aquarium.

"Yeah, shit, I forgot to tell you about that. Um, forward him to Sam so they could get something set up with the staff." Reaching down, Omisha brushed Bean's tiny body that laid in her lap.

He'd been staying at a boarding school while she was away but her new situation meant she could bring the dog with her. Unfortunately, he remained the last standing between the previous trio with Chloe and Dax each dying of natural causes. He'd be turning 8 in a couple days and she was excited to spoil him.

"I tried to, but he insisted he needed to speak with you instead." Loraine let out a sigh before her nails rapidly beat against the keyboard. "I'll finish this up. Why don't you give Mr. Witticker a call?"

"Sure, thank you." The pair wished each other farewell before Omisha hung up. She was living with Thorn but decided to stay in one of the guest rooms.

"Hello, is this Mr. Witticker?" She spoke politely after listening to the phone ring. Silence met her ears before the low sound of movement followed. A part of her felt bad for calling at 8am once she realized it was a Saturday morning.

"Yes, may I ask who's calling?" His deep voice filled the speaker and caused her to move the phone away slightly.

"This is Diane Yates. I believe we met a couple weeks ago in an aquarium." She laughed lightly as he let out a sound of recognition once she mentioned the aquarium.

"Yes! Yes! Ms. Yates, how are you?" The pair spoke for the next ten minutes before deciding it would be best if they met in person. It would give Omisha an excuse to leave the house while also getting to know the man in a neutral environment.

"I gotta go, baby." She cooed as she moved the small animal from her lap and into a bundle of covers. Bean lifted his head, his eyes still half closed in sleep, before he nuzzled into the warm material. Omisha kissed his head before getting dressed.

Two hours later she was seated in a small soul food restaurant, her body clad in black jeans and a mint green windbreaker. The smell of greens and barbecue chicken caused her stomach to grumble.

"How can I help you, baby?" A plump woman seemed to appear before Omisha. Her curly hair was pulled back into a neat bun. From the stained apron around her petite waist, Omisha could tell the woman worked hard in the kitchen.

"Um, could I get today's special with two thighs?" It was a simple meal of macaroni and cheese, barbecued chicken, greens, and a slice of cornbread.

"No problem. Did you want a drink?" Omisha eyed the back of the worn out menu for the drink section.

"Try the sweet tea. It's addicting." Her head popped up at the deep voice of Charles. This time he was dressed in a sleek, three piece navy blue suit. His bald head shined in the light and his goatee was now fully connected to his mustache- it's outline neatly trimmed.

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