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"You're telling me there's no fuckin eggs anywhere in this place?" J called loudly as he eyed the menu. Omisha giggled at the face he made while carefully reading each item.

"Just get something else." She rolled her eyes before pulling her hair up in a messy ponytail. It wasn't even 8am and J was already mad- a common occurrence for her.

"Yeah, yeah. I told you we should have just went to big mamas, not this fancy ass white folk restaurant." He grumbled as he stirred his coffee before bringing the hot liquid to his lips. Omisha decided to live a more lavish lifestyle as they had the money to sustain it- in addition to creating the alias of a prissy, high class woman.

"The food is really good and it's not triple fried in lard. You're gonna love it, J." She smiled before searching the menu for what she wanted. The ringing of the front door made her ears perk up and she squared her shoulders. Heavy footsteps pounded the marble floors mixing with the heels of the hostess- the sound sending warning chills up her spine.

A group of men walked past the table, each of them extremely tall and filled with muscles. Omisha immediately searched their exposed skin for any familiar markings- her stomach dropping at the dark black anchor on the men's neck.

Turning back to J, she smiled as she pulled her water towards her mouth. The hostess lead the men to the booth directly behind J and Omisha was eye level with two of them due to the low booths. Pulling her hair from the ponytail, she swept it to one side and crossed her legs.

"So?" J asked. She knew he was referring to the men behind him.

"I think the food's quite dense but easy to take down. You'll be alright." The smirk on her face turned into a full blown smile as she noticed the men stiffen from the corner of her eye.

"I still don't get how they don't serve not one egg." J grumbled as he waved his hand to dismiss their previously serious code discussion. Omisha rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well get over it and order something else." The tension between the men settled as they heard Omisha and J talk about more food- the motion making Omisha smile. It pleased her to know she could put such men on edge with a simple string of words.

"Hello there! You guys ready to order?" The waitress smiled brightly at the pair and Omisha looked to J in order for him to go first.

"Ah, I guess I'll just have the house special." He grumbled before closing the menu.

"Alrighty! And would you like your pancakes light or dark?" She chirped as she placed the menu under her arm. J trailed his eyes to Omisha for assistance with the question.

"He'll take them light with a slight crisp to the edges, please." The waitress nodded before motioning for Omisha to order.

"And I'll have the smoked salmon and cucumber toast with the crepe delight as well." Omisha closed her menu and placed it in the woman's hand. The waitress dismissed herself and Omisha turned back to J.

Looking just over his shoulder, she watched as the men talked animatedly amongst one another. Sensing her stare one of the men shifted his eyes to her, the smile previously on his face falling. Omisha bit her lip and set a sultry look on her face- maybe she could have a little fun while hunting down Thorn.

The man rose an eyebrow as a smirk bloomed across his lips. He was incredibly handsome with soft brown hair, striking green eyes, and smooth skin. She titled her chin down in faux submission and batted her lashes, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. The man whispered to the one next to him before they both scooted from the seat.

"Hi, there!" The man spoke as he stood before their table. J set a scowl on his face and glared at the man but, as suspected, he wasn't fazed. "I couldn't help but notice such a beautiful woman staring at me. I'm Jared."

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