Forty Nine

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"Oh shit. I forgot my keys." Omisha reached for the handle of the car door before Winston placed a hand on her leg to stop her.

"I have mine. It's okay." They'd decided to take his truck as it was big enough to allow Dean and William to sit comfortably in the back seat.

"What if we get separated? It's better to be safe than sorry." He rolled his eyes before hopping from the seat, letting her know he'd go look for them himself. "They might be in the driver's side door."

As silence settled within the space, Omisha felt her stomach turn in awkwardness. Her mind couldn't seem to think of something to say as she felt they were more interested in speaking to Winston.

"So how'd you two meet?" Turning her head, she saw Dean staring at her curiously. Despite William's silent disapproval of his brothers question, curiosity shined brightly in his eyes.

"It's...complicated." Omisha couldn't tell them she'd been originally tasked to kill their brother. Although she had been getting along with them so far, she knew a confession like that would put a wedge in things.

"Well, I'm really interested now. Is that code for he was going to kill you but you charmed your way out of it?" Dean cocked his head to the side just as William's deep laughter filled the car.

"Dean, you're a fuckin idiot. I don't know how you survive with those two floating brain cells." He attempted to lightly pushed Dean but his sheer size and build caused the push to move Dean flush against the door.

"Aye! What the fuck, man?" He straightened himself out before punching William's arm. A meaty thud resounded after the strike and the man grabbed the area as pain radiated through the muscle.

"Alright! Hey! Cut it out." She intervened just as the men began squaring off in the small space. "Winston would kill me if I let you beat each other up."

She giggled as the pair huffed and turned towards her. Silence filtered between them before William raised his head to meet her gaze.

"Curiosity killed the cat, but I can't help it. How did you two meet, if you're comfortable." His voice was soft yet firm in personal conviction.

"Um... I-I was um..." Omisha cleared her throat and pushed some hair behind her ear before taking a deep breathe, "I was an assassin and Winston was"

The two shared a stunned silence and Omisha immediately regretted her decision of telling the truth. Before she could open her mouth to explain more, her door was pulled open and she was tugged from the car- a surprised yelp leaving her lips.

"It's me." Winston spoke as he caught the sharp elbow she threw back into his body.

"Jesus Christ, Winston. Some warning would be nice." Finally turning in his arms, her angry expression fell as she noticed the bright smile on his face. "Did you find them?"

"Yeah, come here." He pulled at her hand and Omisha stumbled as she tried to keep up with his eager strides.

"Slow down, damn. Why didn't you just bring them with you?" She laughed as he tugged her into the garage and towards her car. Instead of reaching inside like she'd thought, he softly pushed her against the driver's side door and pressed his lips to hers.

A fire erupted in the pit of her stomach as he smothered her in the love filled embrace. Her hands gripped his shirt as she allowed him to pour the emotions of his heart into her soul. There was a reassurance in his kiss that let her know the feeling was mutual.

Pulling her head back, she couldn't stop the smile from splitting her face as his lips tried to follow hers back. When he finally opened his eyes, Omisha nearly choked on the raw emotion that sat within them. Bliss filled her body before she allowed herself to succumb to the love that snaked around their bodies and tightened.

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