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Peeling the heavy arm from her waist, Omisha slid from the silk sheets and located her phone- to her dismay the device was dead. Silently cursing to herself, she located her bra and panties before slipping on Jared's shirt. The moonlight illuminated the room enough for her to see Jared's phone placed on his nightstand.

Checking the time, she realized it was almost 3am and she'd have only two hours to figure out a plan and put it into action. Luckily there was no bathroom in the room which would give her an excuse to roam the hall. Omisha felt a chill run down her spine at the idea of being caught although excitement also filled her.

Peaking out of the room, she was met with a dark and quiet hallway. A part of her wanted to strap the knife back to her thigh but if she were to be caught, the last thing she wanted was to also have them find her weapon. Finally being able to get back into her element, she relaxed her body and opened her senses to the environment.

There were a number of rooms lining the hall and she silently checked each- her ears filled with the snoring of Thorn's men. To her surprise, she hadn't come across a bathroom yet which would benefit her story if she were to be caught.

Suddenly the hair on the back of her neck stood and she quickly ducked into a room. Her eyes scanned the space- relieved to find it empty- and turned her attention to the movement in the hall. The footsteps of the person were extremely light and even letting her know exactly who it was.

Without a second thought, she backed into the room and searched for a hiding spot. The bed was entirely too low, there was a closet but it would leave her boxed in with no escape. She silently tiptoed to another door- her eyes relieved to see a bathroom with a window. Making sure to close it exactly as she'd found it, she ducked behind the large laundry basket.

The door opened to the room, closed, then silence filled the space. A voice screamed at her to move so she silently moved behind the small wall to her right. Excitement filled her as she spotted a toilet behind the wall- pulling her panties down she sat on the seat. The wall was tall enough to cover up to her eye level and she stilled as she listened to the ruffling of covers.

'What the fuck am I supposed to do now?' She screamed in her head as silence once more filled the space. Even if Thorn fell asleep, she knew it'd be a trip to get out of the bathroom without waking him up. If she were to stay until the morning, that would make her look suspicious.

The slightest of movement made her still and she focused her hearing. Releasing a silent breath, she knew the jig was up and released the small amount of pee in her bladder. The door swung open and the barrel of a gun was placed against her temple.

"Woah! Hey! Wait!" She called in faux horror as she threw her hands in the air. The dark figure of Thorn loomed over her as she continued to exclaim in horror.

"I'm sorry! I-I just needed to use the b-bathroom. Jared doesn't have one. No one was in here so I ju-just thought I'd use it real quick. I'm sorry, please don't shoot!" She made her voice quiver and tears poured from her eyes- adding a slight shake to her fingers.

"Hurry up." He growled before exiting the bathroom. Omisha rolled her eyes as she wiped and pulled her panties back up. After washing her hands, she slipped back into character- ducking her head as she took slow, timid steps from the bathroom. Wrapping her arms around her waist, she shuffled to the door.

A harsh grip on her arm stopped her before she was roughly shoved into the wall- her head bouncing off the drywall. On instinct, she reached up to throat punch the man but stopped mid air and instead grabbed at the hand now wrapped around her throat.

"I don't know what kind of idiot you think I am, but it's not going to work." He growled as his grip tightened. Omisha had to think whether she should break character or simply allow the man to continue his assault.

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