Twenty Nine

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"They're so big!" Omisha stared in awe at the large sharks swimming behind the thick glass. She and Oliver had gotten dressed up and had breakfast before spending the day at Openend Aquarium. The building was gigantic and each display room had tanks ranging from little hand held size to a tank the size of an Olympic pool.

"See that one? With all the spots?" Oliver leaned over to trail his finger towards the large animal.


"They're called whale sharks and their spot patterns are basically like our fingerprints." He smiled brightly as he watched the large animal swim around the tank. Omisha stared at it wide eyed as well- she'd never seen something so big. The pair squeezed through the crowd to go to the next exhibit.

"Aww! Oliver look!" Omisha exclaimed as they stumbled upon the sea otters. The small brown creatures swam around in the water, their little faces staring back up at the crowd in curiosity.

"You know they can live their whole lives without leaving the water?" Oliver lightly bumped their shoulders as he came to stand beside her.

"Well aren't you just an animal encyclopedia." She teased. Before he could reply, his phone began ringing and he excused himself. Omisha ran a hand down her dress to make sure it was laid down before she took a seat on a nearby bench. She could still see the otters as they floated across the water while grooming themselves. The image put a smile on her face.

"This seat taken?" She looked up to see a man pointing to the space next to her. He held a sleeping toddler wrapped in a bright blue blanket.

"Oh, no! Go ahead." He was extremely tall so his legs stretched well across the walkway. He had soft brown eyes, smooth mocha skin, and a pretty smile. The mustache went well with his goatee and complimented his bald head. As he sat next to her, Omisha could smell a deep, woodsy cologne. Her heart burst at the child in his arms.

"His names James." She jumped at the deep voice. Looking up at the man, she found him already smiling brightly at her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare he's just the cutest." The toddler looked to be no older than three with curly hair, a cute button nose, and pouting lips. His skin was a shade lighter than her own.

"Thank you. He's been running around screaming all day so the quiet time is appreciated." The man chuckled as he eyed the sleeping child.

"Charles Witticker." He held his hand out for her to shake. Omisha didn't miss the perfectly manicured fingernails.

"Diane Yates." She stuck her hand in his, surprised  to find the skin soft.

"Oh! I know you, well of you. You run those new shelters all along the east coast." He pointed at her after they'd released one another. A heat crept up her neck at the identification.

"I do." She nodded slightly, her mind screaming for Oliver to come back soon.

"I'm on the Howard city board and that's all we talk about. Your shelters are pulling in impressive turnover rates especially for a new facility." Charles praised as he rubbed James' back.

"All thanks to my incredible staff." Omisha noted. While she did run the shelters, it would be nothing without the people on the floor getting their hands dirty every night.

"Would you be willing to give an interview? I'm sure you won't be here long so we can work around your schedule, but It'd be a great honor to speak with you." Charles gave her a pleading face that was somehow masked behind a neutral smile.

"Oh, um I'm not sure about that. I wouldn't want to give an interview without having some of my staff behind me. They're truly the ones who should be in the spotlight." Omisha expertly dodged the preposition.

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