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"Thorn, stop it. You're drunk." Omisha slapped his hands away as he tried to pull her shorts down. She managed to wiggle herself from the sink and placed some space between them.

"Come here." He growled out as he stalked closer to her. Omisha countered his steps as she slowly back peddled out of the kitchen.

"How about we make a deal?" She held her hands up, a giggle escaping as she dodged his grasping hands.

"I don't want to make any deals. I want to bury my dick in your stomach." He managed to grasp her wrist and eagerly pulled her back into his chest. Omisha rolled her eyes as he roughly grabbed her ass and began squeezing the soft flesh.

"Okay! Okay, look. Let's take a nap first. If you still want to have sex when you wake up, we will." She pushed her hands against his chest to make sure he was listening to her. From his face, she could tell he was contemplating the deal.

"Fine." He groaned in disappointment before tugging her towards the couch. It took all she had not to laugh as he plopped down on the couch, his distaste clear on his face.

"You lay down, I'm going to take a shower. There's blankets in the closet near Oliver's room." She unwrapped his fingers from her wrist and side stepped him as she hustled down the hallway. Once in Oliver's room, she searched her suitcase for a new set of bed clothes before grabbing a towel.

The living room remained quiet so she scurried to the bathroom, locking the door behind. Omisha took her time in the shower, enjoying the hot water that Oliver usually used up before she could get to it. After she was fully cleaned, she stepped into the foggy bathroom and began brushing her teeth for the night. This time she made sure to place on a pair of underwear under her shorts and a bandeau under her oversized black t-shirt.

Opening the door to the bathroom, she was relieved to hear soft snores coming from the couch. She tip-toed to the light switch and shut all the lights off before retreating back to Oliver's room. Using her hand against the frame, she quietly shut the door and turned the lock. Omisha blew out a tired breath as she finally slipped into bed.

You can come back. She texted Oliver before placing her phone on its charger. Rolling to her side, she placed a pillow between her legs and allowed her body to relax into the soft mattress.

"Diane!" Omisha woke with a start, her eyes squinting against the bright morning light.

"What?" She called back, her voice horse with sleep. Finally being able to hold her eyes open, she turned to see Oliver laughing in the doorway.

"Did you forget to wrap your hair? It looks crazy." He chuckled as he shuffled into the room and threw his keys on the nightstand. From his dusty boots and tired eyes she could tell this was the first time he'd been home.

"Yeah. Shit, you need to be home so you can remind me to complete my night routine." Raising her hands above her head, Omisha let out a groan as she stretched her limbs. Her hands immediately found her head after and began smoothing our her bed head.

"What's that saying? You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders?" Oliver chuckled as he pulled the shirt over his head. Omisha wasn't blind to the way, with each movement, his muscles rippled underneath the taunt skin.

"If that's the case we'd be two headless chickens then." She laughed back. Leaning over, her eyes widened as she realized it was 6am. It was way too early for her to be up right now.

"Aye, I know I'd be some juicy, delectable fried chicken." Oliver joked as he pulled his jeans off. On habit, Omisha turned her head away before her eyes could stray to places they shouldn't out of curiosity.

"Oh please. You've hardly got any meat on your bones." The sound of his footsteps let her know he was heading to the closet. Turning her attention to her phone, she laid back in bed and began answering texts.

"Probably more than you!" Oliver threw back from the closet. A tumbling sound let her know he'd once again ruined her attempt at straightening the space. "Sorry."

Omisha rolled her eyes, "you keep fucking up my cleaning and I'll find out if you make a good fried chicken for real."

She got up from the bed just as he burst out into a fit of laughter. Walking out of the room, Omisha felt her heart begin beating out of her chest as she remembered the deal she'd agreed to. Relief washed over her when she found the couch empty. Turning to the kitchen, she began the process of making herself a cup of tea.

"Hmm. Do I want peppermint or chamomile?" She muttered to herself as she eyed the two boxes. After a few seconds of deliberation, she settled on peppermint and placed the bag into a mug.

"Oliver, do you want some tea?" She yelled out as she poured boiling water into the cup.

"No, but thank you." He yelled back and Omisha placed the kettle back on the stove. Reaching into the cabinet above her, she began pouring honey into the hot beverage.

"I wouldn't mind a cup." Omisha jumped causing the cup to tilt, spilling the hot liquid against her hand.

"Shit!" She cried as she snatched her hand away effectively causing the mug to slide off the counter. It shattered as it hit the floor, the tea quickly spilling out causing Omisha to jump back. "Jesus fucking Christ."

"Way to go." Thorn chirped, his tone filled with boredom. Omisha spun around and shot him a nasty glare before stepping over the mess to grab some paper towels.

"You alright?" Oliver appeared in the kitchen, still dressed in his boxers, as he eyed the mess.

"Yea. Sorry, I accidentally knocked it over. I can grab you another mug today." He grabbed her arm to stop her from attempting to pick up the shards of ceramic.

"It's fine. Don't pick it up with your hand, go grab the broom." He lightly pushed her towards the laundry room before taking over her spot to wipe the tea up. Omisha didn't miss the way Thorn attentively watched their interaction. Once she had the broom, Omisha returned to see the men discussing something- all talk going silent as she stepped back into the kitchen.

"I'll pull the garbage can over, just sweep it right in." Oliver grabbed the can and leaned it over so that she could sweep the shards directly into it. It didn't take long for the mess to be cleaned up and Omisha began making another cup.

"You think you can handle this without me?" Oliver mocked as he watched her pour honey into her second cup.

"Fuck off." Omisha rolled her eyes at his taunt. He left the kitchen with a hearty laugh and Omisha heard him turn on the shower. She remained extra careful, not filling the cup all the way, and keeping a firm grip on the handle.

"I do believe we had a deal, Diane."
Y'all I be falling for my secondary characters so hard. It's a problem at this point lmao

Oliver>> Thorn

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