Twenty Three

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"Hello?" Omisha croaked into the phone, its shrill ringing waking her from her much needed sleep.

"Where are you?" Her body hurriedly sat up at the malice behind J's voice. The sudden movement immediately woke Thorn and she hurriedly placed her hand on his chest to get his attention. His sleep riddled eyes finally realized it was her and his arm pulled her back down against his bare chest.

"Uh, sorry. I'm at a friends house for the night. What's wrong?" She'd just been home the night before to visit the dogs and gather more intel. There was no way he was upset she wasn't at home.

"And who is this friend?" He growled. Omisha immediately felt her stomach drop. To J, Thorn was a body in a casket right now not in bed holding Omisha close.

"Her name's Willow. J, what's this about?" Omisha quickly made up a story while adjusting herself against Thorn. He'd already fallen back asleep, his arm cemented across her waist.

"Don't bullshit me. I already know who it is. Get home. Now!" The call dropped before she could say anything else. Her nerves bunched and the room suddenly felt like a pit of lava.

"Thorn, wake up. I have to go." She pulled at his arm as she tried to get out of bed.

"No." He groaned as he pulled her closer. Omisha couldn't help but smile at how fond of each other they'd grown. She'd recently found out he had just as much trouble falling asleep without her as she did without him.

"I'm serious. J has something important I need to talk with him about." Pulling at his arm once again, she giggled as he released her with a groan. He fully sat up as he watched her get dressed and prepare herself to leave. Omisha couldn't shake the anxiousness that filled her as she wondered how she could explain this to J.

"When am I going to see you again?" Thorn spoke as he hopped from the bed to walk her to the door.

"I don't know, but I'm sure it won't be long." They'd made it to the front door and she turned to embrace him. His chest was warm against her body and she closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation.

"It better not be or I'll come find you." He pulled her chin to look him in the eyes. Omisha felt butterflies erupt in her stomach at the way he looked at her. It sent chills across her skin and she leaned in to connect their lips.

"Bye Thorn."

"So when were you going to tell me?" J muttered as he sat across the table from her, his arms across his chest and face set in a scowl. Omisha felt sweat form along her brow line as realized he'd found out about Thorn.

"I didn't think it was a big deal." That was a lie. She knew deep down inside having Thorn alive was a threat, but she selfishly enjoyed his presence too much to care.

"So why hide it?"

"If it's not a big deal, why hide it?" He leaned over the table to stare her down. There was something about the gaze that made her feel small. Insignificant. Powerless. Her mind tried to come up with an answer but she was unable to even open her mouth.

"Do you not realize how careless this is? You took 30 million for a job you didn't even complete. If I found out about it, what makes you think the client won't? You're putting yourself, me, and everything we've built in danger for what?" J slammed his hand against the table, the impact making her jump. She'd never seen him this angry.

"For what?" He screamed as he jumped from the table.

"I-I..." Omisha could only stutter. How could she tell him she risked their safety because she actually liked the man? That she saw something with Thorn?

"You know what? It doesn't matter. You're going to finish the job." The statement caused her to jump from the table as well. Her heart sunk at the idea of killing Thorn.

"No. I can't." She shook her head meekly. By now, she was ready to curl into a ball and cry herself to sleep. How could she let things get this far?

"You can and you will. You do not disobey me, Omisha. I am the reason you are who you are today. I made you Omisha. You would be nothing had it not been for me!" He grabbed her arm and shook her slightly as he yelled at her.

Omisha couldn't argue. J had been the reason she was even alive right now. Had he not taken her in who knows where she would be right now. Guilt ate her alive and she couldn't shake the voice that yelled for her to obey. J was all she had for the longest, could she really give that up for someone she'd met not even a year ago? Her heart broke at the realization.


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