Forty Four

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"Charles! Open the door!" Omisha yelled as she banged on the heavy door.

"Baby, what happened? What's going on?" Winston stood next to her, his hand grabbing hers to keep her from hitting the door again. All throughout the ride, he'd been attempting to get information out of her but even Omisha wasn't sure of what she knew anymore.

"She knew. I...I never told her, but she knew." Omisha muttered mindlessly as she anxiously paced on the porch. A light flickered on behind the cream curtains before the sound of the door being unlocked met her ears.

"May I help you?" Charles' groggy voice was directed at Winston, who turned to Omisha expectedly.

"Where's Odessa?" Walking towards the doorway, she felt bad seeing the man still in his night clothes with sleepy eyes.

"Upstairs, she's had a long night. Is there anything I can help you with?" He suddenly perked up noticing Omisha's distraught figure.

"No. No, I need to speak to her now." Omisha pointed inside the house, an obvious shaking in the digit.

"Diane, um, why don't you get some rest. You don't look too good right now." Charles reached out to rub her arm but Omisha snatched the limb away from him. On habit, Winston pulled her behind him and stepped closer to Charles.

"You don't have to touch her. Go get the woman and we'll be done here." Charles looked frazzled by the authority in Winston's tone before his eyes flickered to Omisha. With a nod, he opened the door and allowed the pair to step into the warm home. It smelled of vanilla and looked to have been recently cleaned.

"I'll be right down. Have a seat in the living room." He motioned to the leather couch before heading up the stairs. Omisha paced the length of the large living room while Winston slowly took in their surrounds- his guard up for the both of them.

After a couple minutes, Charles came bouncing back down the stairs with a somber look on his face. Shifting his eyes to Winston, he took a slow step towards Omisha.

"She wants you to come upstairs...alone." His eyes flickered back to Winston.

"Absolutely not." Before Winston could grab Omisha she turned to him and placed her hands on his chest.

"Just trust me. I'll only be a second." Her hand slyly slipped the glock that was tucked in his pants into her own as they shared an embrace.

"If I sense something's not right, I'm coming up there." He whispered into her ear before placing a kiss to her shoulder.

"I wouldn't expect any less." She softly chuckled before they pulled apart. Following Charles upstairs, she kept a close eye on her surroundings and his hands. They made it to a large brown door before he opened it to reveal cream carpeting, a California king bed, and black furniture.

"Odessa, honey, Diane is here to see you." A lamp on the nightstand was the only thing that lit the room and she could see Odessa sat up in bed. Her hair was wrapped in a deep red scarf and her eyes were barely cracked open.

"Hey, Diane. What's going on?" Even her voice was riddled with sleep, but Omisha wouldn't let it deter her.

"Charles, get out." Omisha ordered as she climbed on to the edge of the bed. His eyes flickered to Odessa, who waved him off, before he backed out of the room and slowly closed the door.

Suddenly, the woman sat up, her appearance more alert and her hands popping out from under the covers. Rolling off the bed, Omisha pulled the glock out and pointed it at Odessa.

"There's no need for that, Omisha. Sit down." An authoritative tone was in her voice as if she was speaking to James.

"How the fuck do you know my real name? I suggest you speak quick before I put a bullet in your skull." Omisha growled as she placed her finger on the trigger. The seriousness behind her words caused Odessa's eyes to go wide for a second before she relaxed her body against the headboard.

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