Thirty Six

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"Boss?" Thorn snapped his head up from the iPad in his hands. Oliver stood meekly in the doorway and Thorn rose to his feet. They'd exchanged some blows last night but Thorn ultimately got the upper hand. Both of them knew it was a message to stay away from Omisha.

"We have word that Lester was working for someone." Oliver held out a sheet of paper for him to look at. Thorn kept his face neutral as he scanned the sheet. It laid out all conversation between Lester and some mysterious group- the contents about getting the shipment.

"Have you figured out who this group is?" His voice rumbled and filled the room with a dominance unmatched by others.

"No si-" the shrill ringing of Oliver's phone cut the man off. Immediately he grabbed the device before silencing it. "Sorry about that."

Before either of them could say anything more, the phone began ringing again and Thorn was tempted to shove it down the man's throat. "Answer it."

"H-hello?" Oliver stuttered as he nervously shifted his gaze back and forth from Thorn to the floor. A sudden seriousness washed over the man and his back went rigid.

"Where?" Even his tone had taken on an authoritative air Thorn wasn't used to. Shifting on his feet, Thorn felt a weird nervousness settle in his stomach. The man hung up the phone before his eyes met Thorn's- panic filling them.

"Omisha's in the hospital."

Thorn balled his fists as he walked into the hospital. It took everything in him not to go crazy and kill everyone around him. There was a deep seated guilt that ate away at him although he had no idea what had happened.

Oliver and Tyler followed closely behind him as they approached the receptionist. All of the women behind the large counter visibly shrunk back at the aura surround the group of men.

"H-hello. How can I help you?" A small blonde woman spoke, her scrubs covered in pink flowers.

"I'm here for Diane Yates." He rattled off as he tried to keep himself calm. Each passing second ate away at his nerves. The woman clicked away on her computer for a few moments before getting up to approach a printer.

"She's almost done with testing, but if you could fill out this form while you wait that would be appreciated. I'll also need a valid form of identification." Thorn wanted to roll his eyes as he took the clipboard from the woman and dug in his wallet for his driver's license. This was why he hated public hospitals- they left a blatant trail.

The men found seats in the waiting area, luckily there were only a couple people milling about. Looking down, Thorn frowned as the form asked about insurance information and previous medical history.

"I can answer it." Oliver pointed to the clipboard and Thorn wanted to beat the man over the head with it. "I-if that's okay." He stuttered.

Thorn pushed the clipboard into the man's hands. His stomach twisted as he watched him easily fill out Omisha's information. It irritated him that they were so close. Rationally, it made sense he knew little of her true identity considering the course of she and Thorn's relationship but it didn't stop the jealousy that brewed within his gut.

"Are you guys here for Diane?" A soft voice called from their right. It had been nearly four hours since they'd got there.

"Yeah!" All three scrambled to their feet causing the small woman to take a step back. She was the same blonde who'd helped them when they'd first arrived.

"Alright, um, she's done with all her testing but she's still coming down from her pain medication so tread lightly." She warned them before motioning for them to follow. Thorn slowly followed, his eyes scanning each corner and open room on habit. They took an elevator up 3 floors before entering a much quieter hall- the lights dim.

They arrived outside of a room and Omisha's laugh could be heard from the other side. The sound filled Thorn with a warmth that nearly caused his lips to form a smile. All three of the men piled into the room before stopping just short of the bed. Omisha laid across the bed, her head lazily placed on a stack of pillows and a bright smile on her face.

Looking further, a number of white bandages were wrapped around her legs and arms. There was some kind of hard, white cast that seemed to be wrapped around her back- it's edges stopping right along her ribs.

"Diane, you have guests." One of the other nurses called softly while pointing at the men.

"Oliver!" Omisha called lazily as she reached a hand out for him before a fit of giggles took over her body. Oliver took a nervous glance at Thorn before slowly approaching the woman.

"Hey. How you feelin'?" Oliver placed his hand in hers and gave it a slight squeeze before letting go.

"I'm great!" She closed her eyes, the smile still on her face. Before anyone could say anything else, boisterous laughter came from her and she placed her hand over her mouth in an attempt to quiet herself down. Her head fell to the side and their eyes joined- her laughter considerably dying down.

"Hey." The cast prevented her from fully turning towards him, but he could tell from the way her legs shifted over that she was attempting to face him. Thorn took confident steps towards her.

"Hi, beautiful." Brushing some stray hairs away from her forehead, he dipped down and placed a soft kiss to her skin. Her hand lightly wrapped around his bicep before he could fully pull away.

"You missed a spot." He chuckled as she pointed at her lips before moving to softly kiss her. The strength she put behind the kiss surprised him and he leaned over more to deepen the kiss. Before things could get too far, he pulled away and placed a kiss to the side of her mouth. "You were right."

"About what?" He furrowed his eyebrows as he waited for her to answer. She smiled lightly while tracing along the back of his hand.

"That this lifestyle isn't something I can run from. It'll always catch up to me in my Barbie house." Her dark words were followed by giggles and she leaned against the pillow, her lip between her teeth as she attempted to hide her bright smile.

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