Forty Five

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Omisha stared blankly at the gray tiles lining the shower walls as water beat against her body. Her skin remained raw from mindless scrubbing and the water had significantly dropped in temperature over the last hour.

"Omisha." It was Winston. He'd been checking on her ever since they'd returned home. "Babe, talk to me."

The pleading of his voice snapped her from her stare. As soon as her eyes were removed from the tiles, emotions flooded her body and her mind raced over the recent events. It was almost painful.

Turning off the water, she opened the clear shower door and stepped into the foggy bathroom. Winston immediately greeted her with a towel and she silently allowed him to wrap the soft material around her body.

An equally soft kiss was placed to her forehead before he led her back into their room. Instead of trying to speak to her again, he grabbed the container of Shea Butter and began lotioning her body- his hands massaging her muscles to release tension.

"Put this on." He held out a pile of clothing for her. Omisha stepped into the shorts and oversized t-shirt quickly before shuffling to the bed. Winston followed in after her, his arms pulling her on his chest before he lightly stroked her cheek. The pair remained in this position for what felt like hours before she finally cracked.

"I don't know who to trust anymore." The words cut through the silence like a hot knife and she felt Winston tighten his grip on her.

"You can trust me."

"Can I? I spent years trusting J and he..." her words were cut off as Winston sat up effectively causing her to sit up as well.

"I'm nothing like that motherfucker. We've had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day I'm always by your side." His face was twisted in a mix of anger and hurt.

"I'm sorry, you're right. I just," she hesitated as she tried to find the right way to put her racing thoughts into words, "I'm hurt." She settled as her eyes began to sting.

"I was given up and I know there were other factors to consider, but it still hurts to know I was stripped of a proper family. Then to find out that J, the man I looked to as a father, played me like a fiddle." Her voice cracked as she spilled. It felt freeing to finally expression her pain with the way her life had unfolded.

"That I was just a pawn to him. That he said the right things and did the right things, not because he loved me but because I was a weapon he could use for his own gain. A stupid puppet on a string." The tears finally raced down her cheeks and she closed them to stop more from following.

Winston pulled her into an embrace and Omisha couldn't control the sobs that fell from her. Her body shook in his arms and she struggled to breathe through her cries.

"Do you want some orange juice?" Omisha shook her head as she ate another slice of the pancake Winston had made her.

She'd spent the last two days allowing herself to wallow in her pain. He'd been accepting of that and had given her space when she needed it.

"I have to head to the warehouse, do you want to come?" Placing another slice of bacon on her plate, he followed up his question with a number of kisses across her face. Having him love her so gently made her heart heal faster each day and she found herself scared of how much she felt for the man.

"I think I'm gonna stay here and just enjoy a personal day." Leaning up, she placed her lips to his- a hum of satisfaction emitting from her chest as contentment fell over her for that moment.

"Okay. I won't be long but call me if you want or need anything or nothing at all." He pecked her lips again before grabbing his keys and heading out the door. Before she could pick up another slice of pancake, the door opened and he peeked his head in again. "I love you."

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