Twenty one

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"You infuriate me beyond my wildest imagination, yet I can't help being so infatuated with all you are

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"You infuriate me beyond my wildest imagination, yet I can't help being so infatuated with all you are." He muttered as his head dipped allowing his lips to brush hers with each word.

"It's a skill at this point." The smart remark effectively broke the heavy tension associated with his words. Omisha wasn't ready to digest the idea of them being more than rivals who have amazing sex.

"Is that so?" He smirked as one of his hands wrapped around her throat, the grip causing her head to fall back. Omisha bit her lip as she nodded at him. Her body embraced him fully, ready to please him at any moment. "I believe I have a skill I haven't shown you yet, care to know what it is?"

"I'm dying to see." Her core was soaked as she caught on to the skill he had in mind. Thorn remained unrivaled in his ability to set her body ablaze with sheer desire.

Strong arms wrapped around her waist before she was lifted from the hood of the car. She busied herself by peppering kisses along his jawline before nipping at the skin under his ear. A car door opened before he dipped her to lay her on the backseat. Instead of crawling in with her, he squat down between her legs and ran his hands over her thighs.

He eagerly pulled the shoes from her feet before lifting her hips and pulling her pants down. The soft caress of his lips against her upper thighs sent shivers of delight down her spine. Leaning up, she ran her hands through his hair as he propped her legs on his shoulders.

"Shit." She mumbled as he pushed his nose against her. Hooking a finger in the blue material, he quickly pulled them from her body before he licked from her opening to her clit- his tongue swirling around the swollen nub.

"Mmm right there." Her hands used his hair to keep his where he was as she moved her hips to fuck his face. A cry of pleasure fell from her lips as he sucked her clit into his mouth and rapidly flicked the sensitive button. Thorn teased her opening with his fingertip before dipping a thick digit into her.

She let out high pitched moans as he tapped her g-spot with each thrust. The combined pleasure of his assault on her clit and her g-spot caused her to go crosseyed and stars danced in her vision.

"Uh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Baby that feels so fucking g...go-good." She stuttered through her pleasure as she watched him hungrily please her. There was a primitive look in his eyes and she found herself unable to look away. Her stomach began to quiver and she knew she was seconds away from cumming.

"Cum for me." The possessive growl pushed her over the edge and her eyes rolled back into her head as waves of euphoria ripped through her body. Thorn remained where he was, his tongue and fingers coaxing her into another orgasm shortly after. By now her entire body shook and a layer of sweat settled on her face.

"You look so pretty when you cum." Thorn spoke as he watched her try to recover. Omisha lazily smiled at the compliment before biting her lip to hide the grin.

"Where you going?" She shot up as she noticed him back away from the car.

"I was giving you room to recoup." He chuckled while taking a step closer to her again. Omisha used her feet to pull him between her legs again.

"I'm okay and now I want you to fuck me like you hate me." Leaning up, she rubbed his chest before pecking his lips. Thorns hands wrapped around her waist and pressed her body entirely against his.

"I don't think you're ready for that, love." He chuckled against her neck. The warm air making the hair on her neck stand. Using the hem of her shirt, he pulled it over her head before quickly popping her bra off.

"I can take it. Please." She whimpered as he kissed down her chest and took a nipple into his mouth. His hand pulled at her other nipple before lightly rolling the nub between his fingers.

"Turn around." The growl against her chest filled her belly with excitement and she eagerly propped herself onto her elbows and knees- her back arched to give him the perfect angle.

"A pretty face paired with a pretty little pussy." He praised before she felt him kiss along her opening.

A harsh smack on her ass caused her to yelp although the pain was welcomed. The sound of his jeans being pulled down met her ears and she wiggled her ass like an excited puppy.

Thorn grabbed the base of his dick, rubbing it along her slit to lubricate it. Reaching between her thighs, Omisha wrapped her hand around his length and guided him inside- sighs of relief left them both. The sound of her wetness filled the space as he slowly pumped into her- his length satisfying her unlike any she'd had before.

"Put your hands behind your back." The instruction was filled with a dominance that had her moaning as she threw her hands behind her back- turning her face to the side. When he had her wrists locked in place his thrusts into her became faster and harder.

"Yes! Fuck me." She cried out as she rocked back against his thrusts. Pleasure engulfed her like flames and she bit her lip to keep her cries at bay. Suddenly, he pulled her arms back, the action causing her chest to raise from the seat. One hand held her wrists while the other wrapped around and squeezed her throat. Once he had her captive, his hips increased in speed and he began pounding into her.

Omisha screamed in pleasure as he rearranged her guts and knocked the common sense from her body. Her toes curled, her nails dig into her palm, and her eyes closed tightly as she took all he was giving her.

"Thorn! Oh, Thorn!" She screamed out as he continued his powerful thrusts. The grip on her throat tightened and she tried to scramble away as he somehow increased his speed.

"Come back here." He pulled her back against him using her arms, her back fully pressed against his chest, before he dipped his hips and thrust into her until he could no longer go any deeper. "You wanted this, now take it like a good girl."

Omisha nodded rapidly, sobs of pleasure falling from her dry lips as he continued to fuck her. Tears fell as she felt her body going numb from the powerful pleasure taking hold of her. Her hands gripped the seat for dear life as his thrusts sent her flying forwards.

"Oh god, Thorn! Oh god!" She chanted loudly over the slapping of their skin, his groans, and her wetness.

"Whose pussy is this?" He growled as he slapped her ass. The mixture of pain and pleasure tipping her over the edge causing her to cum.

"It's yours, baby. Oh god, it's all yours!" She screamed as he continued his delicious assault and was awarded another slap on her ass.

"That's fucking right. Cum on my dick again, baby." The sentence was mixed with deep groans and moans as he switched his hips to fuck her at a different angle. Omisha was sure he was going to fuck her to death. All she could do was scream his name over and over as she accepted his punishing pleasure.

Minutes later, she tried to push his hips away as she came again- this time on the brink of passing out. Thorn obliged and pulled from within her, his dick bright red and dripping with her juices. Turning around, she took a deep breath before shoving his length into the back of her throat. Immediately, he took her hair in his hands and allowed her to finish him off.

"Open." He ordered as he jerked his dick right above her mouth. Sticking her tongue out, she maintained eye contact and waited for him to cum. As he finally came on her face, she swallowed every drop that landed in her mouth.
Just a little smut chapter because Tom Hardy makes me want to do the nastiest things.

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