Thirty Three

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"Yeah, of course I know we can't expand into Saint Clarita, but I'm sure there are multiple open plots around the city. We need this placement, Sam, hundreds if not thousands are homeless in the city." Omisha let out a sigh as she rubbed a hand down her face. Unfortunately, she and Thorn had to cut their time short as multiple issues seemed to arise in minutes.

What should have been a five minute conversation between rounds turned into her on the phone for the last two hours while Thorn sat by idly.

"Forward me the notice and contact the mayor for a meeting on Monday." Thorn's head snapped towards her at the words, but she kept her eyes on her phone screen. Sam nodded attentively as he typed away at his computer. There was a loud commotion on Sam's side before he finally wished her a farewell.

"You're leaving?" Omisha bit her lip at the obvious line of questions after this.

"I'm only here for the weekend. My flight leaves tomorrow night." Turning to face him, she couldn't make out what he was thinking but from the stoic face she could tell he wasn't happy. Instead of saying anything else, he stood from the bed and left the room.

Omisha took a deep breath to push down her emotions before opening the emails that'd been piling into the inbox. Multiple staff members were now getting another new schedule and accommodations were needed.

"No! No! We're not going south! That's a cry to be vandalized. Absolutely not. I'd rather work in a hut knowing my clients are safe than some powerhouse building where they're constantly facing adverse interactions. No." Omisha angrily paced the room as she yelled into the phone. She and Sam had these shouting matches often but they were a killer team in the end.

"Sam. I said drop it." She lowly warned just as Thorn came strolling back into the room. There were two plates of food in his hand and he motioned for her to follow him to the bed.

"I'll call you back, Sam. Remember what I said- find a new solution- we are not going south. Period." The warning was final and she hung up as she heard him begin cursing in frustration.

"Trouble in paradise?" Thorn teased as he passed her a plate. The smell immediately caused her to salivate.

"What is this?" She dodged his question as she took a bite. A multitude of flavors exploded in her mouth and she let out a moan at how good it was.

"Caponata, like it?" Omisha could only nod as she took another bite, a happy dance bubbling through her body. Her phone chimed again causing her to roll her eyes. Thorn's hand quickly grabbed the device before she could pick it up.

"Ten minutes." He rose an eyebrow at her. Omisha swallowed the food in her mouth as she stared at the device longingly. It made her uncomfortable not being able to check her notifications and respond to potential emergencies.

"Thorn, I have important business that needs my attention. I can't just blow it off." She reached over for the device, careful of their plates. As suspected he moved the device further away from her hands.

"I just want ten uninterrupted minutes with my woman. That's all I'm asking for." Placing his plate on the floor, he fully raised the device out of her reach. Omisha placed her own plate on the floor before jumping on him and reaching for the device.

"Thorn, stop being a butthead and give it back." She groaned as she struggled to get the device. Thorn snaked his arm around her waist and locked her in place.

"Give me a kiss and I'll give it back." He smiled as he watched her roll her eyes. Omisha pecked his lips but he clearly had other plans as he grabbed the back of her head to keep her in place. His lips hungrily devoured hers sparking a fire in her core. Both of them had long forgotten about the device as he rolled them over so he was on top.

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