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"Are you seriously not going to come with me?" Omisha pouted as she wrapped her arms around Thorn's waist. Their bodies were still went from their shower and he loosely held a towel around his hips. A warm hand slid up her back, catching water droplets as it went.

"No, I have to work. I'm sure you'll be just fine on your own." He chuckled at her expression before separating their bodies. The cold air that suddenly hit her exposed body caused her nipples to pebble.

"What if they try to chop me up and serve me for lunch?" Placing her hands on her hips, she didn't miss the way his eyes appreciatively scanned her naked body. Even if she wanted to have sex with him, she couldn't- her body desperately needed a break from the insatiable man.

"Tell them to save me a plate." Omisha threw the first thing her hand touched, a hair brush, at his fleeing back. The plastic hit his spine with an audible thump before falling to the ground.

"Fuck you!"
"Ah shit!" He called at the same time, his hand cradling his back. As he disappeared into the closet, Omisha blew out a heavy sigh.

She'd agreed to attend Charles' backyard barbecue as he was celebrating his new promotion. The pair had recently gotten closer, meeting for lunch or coffee often. He even provided her with connections to officials in the state, whose reach secured the shelter another $30,000 grant.

Charles was a family man and often tried to get Omisha to church on Sundays. He loved the monotonous things in life like golf, reading the newspaper, and staying up to date on the stock market. Despite such boring interests, he came to life when he spoke about them to a point where you couldn't help but listen intently. He was charming in a take home to your mother kind of way with an equally pure heart. It was refreshing to be in the company of such a good natured person.

Omisha eyed the outfits laid across the bed, each one seemed to be too dark. She wanted to make a nice impression and knew showing up in all black would ring alarm bells. Throwing on her robe, she shuffled back to her guest room to search all her clothes again. The bright material immediately stuck out to her and she slipped into the dress. It was an impulsive buy that she immediately threw in the back of her closet once she got home.

She took the next hour to get herself put together before she slid into her heels. The flowing material felt nice on her cleanly shaven skin and she couldn't help but spin in the mirror. She decided on a light face of makeup and secured her wig on tight. Barbecues meant there'd be kids and where there were kids, there was an opportunity for her wig to be pulled off.

"Wow." She turned at the voice. Thorn stood in the doorway smiling at her- his own body dressed in a pair of black jeans, black t-shirt, and dirty boots.

"It looks nice?" Adjusting the material on her arm, she turned back to her mirror to see what she was doing.

"You look amazing. I like lighter colors on you. This definitely makes my list of favorites." He stepped closer and sat on the bed, simply watching her place the finishing touches on her look.

"You have a list of favorites?" She questioned as she turned and placed herself between his legs. His hands found her waist and lightly squeezed. Omisha never failed to get butterflies every time she was around the man- the look in his eyes screaming love.

"I do indeed." He nodded up at her.

"Well, go on, list them." A chuckle fell from him as she crossed her arms waiting for him to speak.

"I'll give you my number one- it's those bleach stained sweats and that little green top. The one with no sleeves." Omisha rose an eyebrow at his choice. The bandeau and sweat combination was one she wore to chill around the house. "And those fluffy socks."

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