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*Trigger warning!*
*Depiction of attempted date rape*

"Sorry, I got caught up in conversation with a fellow investor. My big mouth can yap on for an entire night." Omisha smiled softly at Xavier as she finally placed herself in the seat next to him. His large body was tense and she noticed him tightly clenching his jaw.

"Yeah, okay." The phrase was filled with malice and almost made her flinch.

"Xavier, look at me." Despite the obvious tense vibe, Omisha wanted to make things okay. From what she could tell, he believed this to be a real date and the last thing she wanted was to make him upset.

"I'm sorry, okay? It was an honest mistake and I should have been more thoughtful that I'm here with you tonight." Omisha placed her hand over his balled fist in an attempt to ease him. The look in his eyes sent shivers down her spine- this night would only spiral downward from here.

"Hello, everyone! I hope you're all enjoying your night so far." Omisha turned her attention to the speaker in the middle of the room. She was a tall, blonde wrapped in a stunning silver dress with stilettos that made her legs appear even longer. The woman continued to talk for the next 20 minutes about the importance of the event and the necessity of proper communication in leadership.

"And once again, just thank you to everyone that made it tonight. Enjoy yourselves!" Applause erupted in the room and Omisha put down her drink to join. Xavier still had a tense expression but Omisha couldn't care less anymore.

"Come with me." He muttered as he got up from the table- his hand held out to help her from her seat. Smoothing down her skirt, Omisha placed her hand in his and followed him through the crowd. They trailed through a hallway, up two flights of stairs, and around a large balcony type hallway. Looking down, Omisha could see all the guests, her eyes somehow finding Thorn's, but her scoping was cut short as Xavier pulled her away from the railing.

"I found this amazing view when I was here on a tour for the National Donors ball." He muttered as he pulled her into a room. It held nothing but a couch and a bar but Omisha's eyes immediately went towards the large set of glass doors that lined the wall.

"This is beautiful." She eagerly followed him as he opened the doors and stepped on to the balcony. From here, she could see all the city lights vividly and her eyes widened as she looked down- it was a long fall. The wind blew her hair away from her face and created a feeling from a movie.

"I always thought so. Here." He appeared with two glasses filled with some type of wine. Swirling it in the glass, Omisha brought it to her nose- the sweet aroma calming her senses.

"I want to apologize for my previous behavior," Xavier grabbed her hand and softly pulled her into his side, "obviously you're here to socialize with people and I should be a gentleman instead of the brute I usually am."

Omisha smiled softly at him. It was heartwarming to see him recognize where he could have been more considerate and apologize for it.

"It's fine, Xavier. I get that it's kind of a bummer to have your date everywhere but with you." Patting his chest, she brought the glass to her lips and savored the taste of the fine wine. The scene felt extremely romantic, them gazing at the city lights as they embraced one another, and Omisha smiled as she felt normal for a second.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He muttered into her hair.

"Just...this is just nice." Omisha smiled up at him as a childlike giddiness filled her. Xavier tightened his arm around her slightly as he returned her smile. A gust of wind blew, effectively ruining the moment as her hair wildly whipped around her face. "Well there goes that."

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