Thirty Four

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Thorn groaned as he laid back in bed, the space now endless without Omisha next to him.

"Hello?" There was a pause on the other end of the line and he contemplated hanging up.

"Boss, we have eyes on Lester." A chill of excitement climbed down his spine and caused a smirk to form on his face. They'd been chasing the rat for the last month after he got one of their shipments stolen.

"No takedown. Keep it quiet and bring him to the East side."

"Yes, sir." The line went dead and Thorn brought his hands up behind his head. As he looked down, he noticed the multiple hickeys along his chest and visions of Omisha between his legs caused a smile to bloom. His dick jumped as he instantly became hard. The hunger he felt for the woman was absolutely insatiable.

"Shit." He mumbled as he pulled his dick from his boxers. As he closed his eyes, images of her filled his mind- her body covered in a thin sheet of sweat causing her brown skin to glisten each time the sun peaked from behind the clouds. The way her face mirrored the pleasure he gave her.

His toes curled as her meows of pleasure rang in his ears. A growled string of curses left him as his hand eagerly pumped himself to a release. In his mind, she was there riding him until she creamed all over his dick- his name a hallelujah she cried for the heavens to hear.

Thorn was pulled from his fantasy by the ringing of his phone. A frustrated sigh was all he could muster before reaching for the device.


"What is this I'm hearing about you moving our reservation?" The high pitched and snarky voice immediately caused him to go soft.

"Sicily, I'm in the middle of a very important cat and mouse game. I'm sure you won't die within the hour delay." It took everything in him not to call the woman out of her name. Sicily Vasco was a Russian  born investor with ties to the Italian mob. If she agreed to be his partner, Thorn would have a connection to the biggest drug traffickers in the world.

"If you'd have listened to my warning, none of this would have happened, no?" Thorn could already see her pointy nose turned up as she looked down it at everyone else.

"I know that." He chirped into the line before getting up from the bed. A smile slipped on his face as he noticed an earring laying near the sink.

"Anyways, I'll see you at 8 sharp? The flowers were lovely by the way." Thorn pulled the toilet seat up before pissing into the bowl.

"Yes you will and I'm glad you liked them."

"Giodonelles has stepped themselves up." Sicily spoke as she turned her nose up to those around her. She wore a floor length black gown that had hand stitched diamonds along the bust. Her red hair was pulled up into an elegant bun at her nape. Long black lashes encased the most clear blue eyes and sat above high, rosy cheekbones.

"It's because Micha finally took over." Thorn had been coming to the restaurant since he was a kid. The previous owner was so wrapped up in his ego he'd let them place go to shit. Once Micha got a hold of it, the place did a complete 180 and was a well know five star restaurant.

"Good. Wilson should have been dismantled a long time ago- slimy bastard." She curled her lip in disgust before sitting with such graze it was clear she came from money. Thorn scanned the restaurant on habit but his eyes froze on a familiar face.

Oliver sat in a booth, phone in hand, as though he was waiting for someone. It didn't take long for him to piece together that Omisha was with the man. Something about their friendship made his blood boil but he wasn't really in a position to tell her who to talk to- as if the woman would listen to him anyway.

Thorn had to look down as a smile threatened to cross his lips at the thought of her. If he was being honest, there was nothing healthy about their relationship but he was in love with her. He'd trade all his riches for one day of fighting with Omisha. She was a woman that almost seemed to be made just for him.

"Are you listening to me?" Sicily's voice broke him from his thoughts.

"Yes, continue." He played it off with a blank stare, his eyes daring her to push the issue. Although the two would technically be equals as partners, Sicily knew where she stood in the relationship.

"I was saying we still have more terms to go over before everything is final." Once again Thorn's attention was broken as he noticed a figure moving. His eyes darted over only catching a slim waist and silky burgundy material before they met Sicily's again.

"That's fine." Looking back over, Thorn felt his crotch area tighten at the sight before him. Omisha strutted back to her table, the dress hugging every inch of her body in an almost sinful way. From here he could see the daring cut of the top and licked his lips as he watched her tits softly bounce with each step. Her face was set in a bright smile that caused his heart to race and his stomach to warm.

Jealousy filled him as he watched her greet Oliver with a glowing expression. He should have been seated across from her right now basking in her beauty as they enjoyed a night of good food. As she took a seat, her hair softly swayed with each movement and his fingers itched to be playing in the tresses as she laid across his chest.

"New toy?" Thorn snapped his eyes back to Sicily. She shot him a smirk as if she'd figured it all out.

"No." He settled.

"Then what? She's beautiful but not worth nearly breaking your neck to look." As her chin rose in distaste, Thorn balled his fists to keep from punching the woman in her plastic filled lips.

"Then watch your mouth and mind your business." He warned as he glared down at her. Before things could get any more tense, a waiter came to take their orders.

Thorn focused his attention on their contract but every once in a while his eyes darted over to Omisha's table. Her hand was covering her mouth but Thorn could see she was laughing at something Oliver had said. Their table was littered with dishes and a half empty bottle of wine.

If he didn't know any better, he'd think they were on a date from their mannerisms. Oliver was relaxed, his face set in a permanent smile as they talked animatedly. Omisha leaned in as she eagerly listened to what he said, her body responding to his words on cue.

"Line 40 will list all possible claims so that should be an area you really look over." Thorn took another bite of his food, needing to clench his jaw around something, as he absentmindedly nodded at Sicily's words. She continued to talk about the deal and Thorn finally focused his attention on her words.

"That should be all." Before he knew it, they'd covered the entire deal. Thorn blinked as he finally looked away from the tiny black lettering. The restaurant had cleared out slightly and his eyes immediately found the familiar booth.

Rage seared up his spine like fire as he watched Oliver hold Omisha's chin as she drank something. The man had his arm around her shoulders and their chests brushed against one another every once in a while. Thorn had to force himself to look away as he felt a sudden urge to kill someone.

Noticing his change in demeanor, Sicily shrunk back in her seat and kept her mouth closed. Thorn could practically feel the heat radiating off him as he took deep, calming breaths. Unable to help himself, his eyes darted back over to the table. Omisha smiled up at Oliver, their faces entirely too close for Thorn's liking before she laid her head on his chest.

"Thorn. Take a deep breath." Sicily meekly called as Thorn stood from his seat. The words went in one ear and out the other as he focused on his target. His legs moved him closer to the pair, his hand itching to grab his glock. He was inches away from their table when they pressed their foreheads together.

"Oliver....Diane." The words were filled with the malice he felt and the pair quickly broke apart. Just the sight of her caused his knees to go weak- she looked even more angelic up close. Thorn could tell she was drunk from the way she shot him a lazy smile.

"B-boss." Oliver shot up from his seat. The sudden movement causing Omisha to slouch into the booth before she slowly pushed herself upright.

"Get her home, then come see me." Thorn scanned the pair one last time before turning on his heel to leave.

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