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"Just relax. It'll all be over soon." Omisha smirked down at the whimpering man. His naked body was covered in sweat, blood, and dirt. The ties around his wrists and ankles stopped any movement away from her while the tape on his mouth prevented him from screaming.

Attaching the silencer to her pistol, she made sure everything was on correctly before firing into the man's head and chest. Blood sprayed across the room missing her crisp, white pants by centimeters.

"What a waste." She shrugged before going through the man's pants for his wallet.

"Prince Edward James. Duke of Kent. 34 years old, 6'3, 236 lbs. and a giant bitch." She chuckled as she read off his I.D before soaking the back in blood and attaching it to the mirror. Pulling on her jacket, she exited the room and made her way to the lobby. The clean up crew would be there soon to make sure no traces of evidence had been left behind.

"Good evening, ma'am." Her chauffeur greeted as he pulled away from the hotel. Looking into the back, she was pleased to see all her things packed as she'd instructed.

"Hello and thank you for arranging my things so neatly." Omisha pulled her seatbelt on while they zoomed down the highway towards the airport.

She'd been in the United Kingdom for the last four months working on this new hit- Prince James. Unlike her last jobs, she actually had to work her way into the kingdom herself and Prince James proved to be a, rightfully, cautious individual. But as all men before and after him, sex was his downfall.

"Would you like me to help you carry your things to your flight?" He questioned as they pulled on to the private runway. A sleek, black jet stood waiting for her.

"No thank you. You've done enough, enjoy the rest of your night." Pulling her suitcase from the back, she threw her carry on bags over her shoulders before boarding the jet.

"Ms. Ida, your flight has been mapped over three times with two alternate routes shall the occasion arise. It will be a 12 hour flight and you're expected to arrive at 2:30pm. A car will be waiting for you. Would you like a drink?" The attendant smiled softly as she informed Omisha of the flight.

"Yes, please. Some Armand de Brignac Brut Gold would be lovely." Kicking off her heels, Omisha relaxed into the soft chair.

She was more than ready to be reunited with her new doggies. Chloe, a 4 year old pit bull; Dax, a 3 year old mutt; and Bean, a one year old Chihuahua with only three legs. They'd all been on the kill list at the local shelter and Omisha knew she had to do something. Surprisingly, it only took a week before they all warmed up to one another- with Bean of course being the baby in the family.

"Here you are, ma'am."

"Thank you." Omisha took a sip of the alcohol before opening her book. It would be a nice, quiet place for her to finally finish the last book in the saga.

Omisha was pulled from her sleep by the jet taking a large dip and the harsh sound of scraping metal. Looking around, she found the inside of the jet to be as she remembered it but the smell of something burning filled the cabin.

"Ms. Ida!" Omisha turned at the frantic voice, her flight attendant looked at her in pure shock.

"What's going on?" Getting up from the seat proved difficult as the jet was still on a declining angle. Looking out of the window, she noticed smoking following their zig zag decent. Panic began to fill her as she realized they were over hundreds of miles away from land- the foreboding ocean lurking beneath them.

"W-we've been hit. It just came out of nowhere. I-I don't think we'll make it but the pilot is trying to keep us level so we won't plunge into the ocean." She rushed out as she nervously ran her hands through her hair.

"Alright. Alright. Calm down. Where are the parachutes?" Omisha pushed herself forward towards the chest where the safety equipment was kept. It had been an addition Omisha was willing to pay millions for as she always feared these types of situations.

"There's only two." Opening the chest, there were indeed only two parachutes tucked inside.

"That's fine. Put it on." She threw the bag into the woman's chest before making her way towards the pilot. Clutching the last parachute to her chest, Omisha tried to logically think about what she was going to do next.

"How much longer are we going to be in air?" She questioned as she entered the room. The large panel of switches and buttons flashed red in various areas with sounds of alarm filling the small space.

"I'll only be able to keep us above 3,000 feet for the next two to three minutes then we'll probably dip down to 500 as the craft overrides my efforts and cuts the remaining engine." He spoke hurriedly as he desperately pulled against the lever.

"You! Go, jump now and take this." Omisha shoved the small roll into the woman's hand. Once she landed she'd be able to open the auto inflation device and keep out of the water.

"W-wait, what about you guys?" She stuttered. As a flight attendant, she already knew the longer they waited to jump the more dangerous it was.

"Just go!" Omisha yelled at her. Turning back to the pilot, she shoved the last parachute into his side. "You go too."

"No. No, this is my life's work. If she goes down so will I." He shook his head as he once more pulled at the controls in an attempt to level out the air craft. Sweat poured down his face and Omisha groaned as she realized she had to make her decision quickly. There was no doubt that once the jet hit the ocean they'd be done for especially with all the damage.

"You do realize if you stay, you're going to die? There's no coming back from that. It'll be over for you." She hammered as the plane once more dipped. If it hadn't been for the open door, smoke would have enveloped the cabin.

"I don't care. I'm going down fighting then. You go, I've called the coast guard and given them our coordinates. Hopefully you'll survive." He smiled sadly before turning back to the panel. Before Omisha could respond, she was thrown forwards into the panel as the plane dipped drastically.

The blaring alarm was cut off, the panel went dark, and the sputter of the remaining engine ceased. An odd silence fell over the scene, the only audible sound was the wind whipping by them as they plunged towards the ocean.

"You have to go now!" He got up from the seat using their combined strength to push her towards the door. Strapping the parachute to her back, she made sure everything was on tightly before hugging the man.

A part of her didn't want to let go but as he pushed her from the plane, she had no choice but to let go- her body in free fall towards the ocean. Pulling the trigger on her bag, her body jerked upwards harshly when the parachute finally opened. The slowed journey was quickly ended as her body smacked the water effectively pushing the air from her lungs.

Focusing on getting to the surface, she pushed the pain to the back of her mind and swam upwards. Her lungs began to burn and she pushed herself to swim faster in hopes of breaking the surface. Just as she began to feel she'd never make it, her hands finally pushed herself above the surface and she quickly took in a deep breath- choking on the sudden influx of air.

As she pushed her hair from her face, she looked around to find nothing but the soft ripples of the ocean. The water was extremely cold letting her know if she didn't get out of here soon she'd get hypothermia. Panic filled her body to the brim as she realized she was stranded in the middle of the ocean with no water or food.

Pulling her own inflation device from her pocket, she pulled the pin before throwing it along the water a few feet from her. The raft inflated in milliseconds and Omisha hurriedly swam towards it. When she was finally inside, she took a deep breath as a faux sense of safety washed over her.

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