Thirty Five

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Omisha jolted awake before letting out a groan as the sun shined directly into her eyes. Laying back, she allowed herself to adjust to being awake before she tried to climb from the bed.

"Oliver?" She muttered as she noticed the empty room around her. The last thing she remembered was having dinner with him. Looking down, she was surprised to find herself still wrapped in the plum dress. A chill ran over her exposed skin as she navigated to her phone. Pressing the contact, she felt herself begin nervously pacing the room.

"Yeah?" He lazily called into the receiver. The nerves washed from her body and she let out an audible breath.

"Where are you? I was worried." Her tone was meek as she realized how clingy she probably sounded. Although the pair were often away from one another, her inability to recollect the nights events caused panic to spiral deep within her stomach.

"Sorry, something came up." The clipped tone let her know that something was still happening.

"It's...fine. Will you be back before my flight leaves?" As each passing silent second ticked on, Omisha gnawed away at her bottom lip.

"I'm not sure. Look, I have to go." He sighed and Omisha nodded before realizing he couldn't see her.

"Of course, yeah. I'll see you later, hopefully."

"Oh, honey! This is the one." The store clerk hyped Omisha up as she stepped from the dressing room. Deciding she didn't want to waste her last day in bed, she went out shopping.

"You think so? My butt looks so small in this." She pursed her lips as she turned in the mirror to look at her backside. While she wasn't the thickest woman, she still had a nice perky butt for her frame. The dress hugged her frame in a way that caused her butt to look smaller than usual.

"You've got to play around with the material. It cinches around the midsection so it's pushing your butt down. Here." The woman stepped forwards and began adjusting the material for Omisha. When she was done, Omisha could finally see what the woman saw.

The material was soft to the touch but obviously durable. It was a ruched body con dress in a bright yet rustic orange that caused her dark skin to pop. The cinched material around her waist squeezed her in and immediately caused it to disappear.

"Here. Put these on." The clerk came back with a pair of clear heels. Omisha slipped them on and pushed some hair behind her ear to observe herself in the mirror. "Now that is a man stealing outfit."

Omisha smirked as she turned to see her butt was back to its high, plump position and the material further accentuated the arch in her back. The dress and heels were the first of her many new outfits. Back in her original sun dress, she began making her way out of the mall.

"Excuse me, sweetheart!" A male voice spoke from behind her. Omisha rolled her eyes before turning slightly. The man was a light toffee color with a low cut and a lopsided grin.

"I was just wondering if you needed any help. You're absolutely gorgeous and I'd hate to see a woman like you struggle." He stepped closer than she'd like and Omisha placed a polite smile on her face as she took a step back.

"Thank you, but I'm okay." Shifting the bags in her hand, Omisha placed her hand in her purse to grab her keys.

"Come on, don't be like that, sweetheart." He once again stepped closer and Omisha knew he wouldn't be giving up any time soon.

"Fine!" She chirped before roughly shoving the bags into his chest. Surprise crossed his features as he quickly tried to keep them from falling. Turning on her heel, Omisha navigated them to Oliver's car. Popping the trunk, she watched carefully as he placed the bags inside before reaching up to shut the trunk.

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