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"It's fine, I'll be okay. I promise." Omisha smiled at Oliver as they stood whispering in the doorway of the kitchen. He had to leave but was unsure about leaving her alone with Thorn.

"You call me as soon as you start feeling uncomfortable. I'll be here in no time, alright?" He stared at her in worry.

"Don't worry, she'll be saying my name the rest of the night." Thorn interrupted their conversation with a snarky remark. The men had been throwing subtle jabs at one another since she'd gotten them to stop fighting. It was a relief that Oliver had to leave.

"Ignore him. I'll walk you out." She grabbed Oliver's arm to lead him out. As she passed Thorn, she tossed him a mean look which he returned with a harsh slap to her ass.

"The fuck is your problem, dude?" Oliver lectured as he quickly spun around, pulling Omisha behind him. The power behind his grip was enough to unbalance her and she went flying into the wall- a thud echoing in the space.

"Oh, you've done it now, kid." Thorn growled as he watched her grip the back of her head in pain. He moved with unimaginable speed, his hand wrapping around Oliver's throat and throwing the man down the hall. Following the limp form, he pulled his leg up and stomped on the man's face- a sickly crunch meeting her ears.

"Thorn! Stop." She sprung into action before he could do anything else. Wrapping her arms around his torso, she used all her strength to pull him away from Oliver. The large man barely moved an inch but it was enough to put herself between the two.

"Look! I'm fine, it's okay. You're going to fucking kill him." Turning down to Oliver, she winced as she eyed his condition. His jaw was entirely too slack, letting her know it was broken, and his face seemed to be bleeding from every possible inch. "If you haven't already."

Before she could reach down to feel for a pulse, she was pulled back into his chest.

"He put his hands on you, Nicole." He stared at her intensely. His eyes seemed to frantically search hers for some hint of fear, but found none.

"So have you Thorn." At her words, he dipped his head slightly. Omisha felt increasingly uncomfortable with the way the conversation was going.

"That's...different." He mumbled pulling her from her head.

"Whatever. Just let me go." Pulling out of his grasp, she squat down to feel for Oliver's pulse. Relief washed over her when she found a steady beating and turned her focus to his face.

"Carry him to the couch." Without turning back, she headed into the kitchen to get paper towels to wipe away the blood. She made sure to wet some to make it easier. Moving into the living room, she rolled her eyes as she watched Thorn lazily throw the man on the couch.

"Alright, let's see the damage." She muttered while lightly wiping away the blood. Once his face was mostly clean, she could pinpoint a large cut below his eye that bled profusely. Laying the wet tissue on it seemed to slow down the bleeding and she kept pressure on it to, hopefully, stop the bleeding.

"Why do you care about him so much?" There was a clear jealous undertone to his words that cut through Omisha like a hot knife.

"Thorn, why does it matter?" She countered although she focused her attention on Oliver's slack jaw. It was broken and she was sure he'd need to go to the hospital to get it fixed.

"I guess it doesn't." The hurt in his tone only made her angry. She didn't owe him an explanation.

"Glad we came to that agreement." She growled out as she collected the bloody paper towels and moved towards the kitchen to get a bag to throw them away in. The sound of Thorn's footsteps following her made her roll her eyes.

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