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Omisha jumped at the deep voice, wheeling herself around to find the last person she'd expected to see here. Unconsciously her lips twitched as she wanted to smile but she contained herself.

"Me either." She chirped before wiping away the stray tears- the grey sleeve of her sweatshirt turning dark from the liquid.

"I see a near death experience hasn't changed that goofy ass attitude of yours." Thorn crossed the space between them before squatting down to be eye level with her. His eyes trailed down her body towards the bright white bandages around her ankles- a smirk gracing his face.

"Not in the slightest." Omisha threw him a tight lipped smile as she watched him softly trail a finger along her bandages.

"All my hard work for two broken ankles. You might just be invincible, Nicole." He chuckled before roughly squeezing her ankle. Hot fire shot up her leg and she threw a punch at him as hard as she could- hoping to ease his grip. Thorn fell back onto his ass and Omisha threw herself from the chair, wrapping her hands around his throat.

As she squeezed as hard as she could, the crash replayed before her eyes. Satisfaction pooled deep within her stomach at the idea of killing the man responsible for it. Thorn wrapped his arms around her waist and effortlessly flipped them over but Omisha was determined to keep a tight grip on his throat.

His hands attempted to pull hers from his throat but she dug her nails in, blood quickly pooling around them. The hiss he let out from the pain fueled her even more and she leaned up to bite his forearm as hard as her jaw would allow.

A heavy punch to her temple dazed her and effectively stopped her attack. Her head fell back and she closed her eyes as the world began to spin.

"I forgot you're a cheap fighter." He blew out a breath as he rested his hands on the ground beside her face. Omisha opened her eyes and her heart fluttered at the closeness of them. Despite their previous fighting, Thorn held a lustful gaze as he eyed her features.

Just as his head began to dip towards her, Omisha spat the blood in her mouth at him- the spray splattering across his face.

"It's one thing to try to kill me, but there were innocent people who lost their lives because of your brashness." Her words held the malice she truly felt as she remembered the effect of her life on those around her.

"Sorry, forgot you were a saint." He chirped as he used his black t- shirt to wipe away the blood. "Must have slipped my memory while you were firing bullets into my chest in an attempt to kill me."

Omisha rolled her eyes at the statement. The action seemed to upset Thorn as his hands roughly gripped her throat and pulled her head up- the action causing her vision to get blurry.

"I should smash your fucking head in right now. Color the grass with your blood and brain matter- do the world a favor." He growled out as his grip tightened. Omisha smiled as she struggled to speak, his grip effectively cut off any air entering or leaving her body. When he finally let her go, she once more laid out on the grass catching her breath.

"I was trying to say...what's stopping you? Go ahead tough guy." She taunted from below him. Thorn frowned down at her while she lazily smiled up at him. "Wait can I see your scars first?"

A slap sent her head to the side and she instinctively held her cheek. Once more she chuckled at how easy it was to get a rise out of him.

"I'll take that as a no?" She moved her jaw softly in an attempt to release the sting that lingered. It wouldn't be a surprise if her face bruised up within the next day or two.

"Get up." He growled as he stood up. Omisha stared down at her ankles, the white bandages speaking for her as he reached down and rag dolled her body from the ground back into her chair.

Targets (bwwm) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now