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"I have a side project for you while you work on fixing your mistake with the Thorn assignment." J laid out a set of papers on the table. Setting down her fork filled with fettuccine alfredo, Omisha picked up the papers to see an Asian man.

"Aki Patel." She muttered as she read his description. He was the head of state in India but was here in the United States for some union meeting. An offer of $2.7 million was on the table for anyone willing to take up the task.

"He'll be at the Generations banquet tonight. I have your ticket and your date- make sure it's clean then get out of there." J instructed as he slid a golden ticket with black trim across the table.

"What should I wear?" She questioned. Although she'd been to these type of events numerous times, there always seemed to be an unspoken dress code in place.

"It's not as fancy as the last one. Something in the realm of business attire will do." The possible outfits had already began flashing in her head and she nodded before turning back to her food.

It had been nearly a month since her last encounter with Thorn. Whether it was him avoiding her or her unconsciously avoiding him, she'd subsequently not gotten any further in gaining any knowledge of his whereabouts. This new task would be a much needed reminder of what she lived to do.

Walking into the large skyscraper, Omisha made sure to hold her head high. The building would be filled with world leaders from every continent and the elites of the world.

After nearly 20 minutes of security checks she'd managed to get into the building without sounding any alarms. She knew better than to think she'd be able to bring in any kind of weapon and instead opted for the ones that would naturally be provided in the environment.

"Good evening, ma'am. You look stunning, will you be dining alone?" The man checking tickets asked as his eyes scanned her quickly.

"No, my date will be arriving shortly." J had arranged for her date to arrive minutes after her so she'd be able to scope out the room uninterrupted. She'd yet to figure out who would be accompanying her for the night.

"Perfect! Ms. Vanders, you just completed table 3. Whenever your date arrives, inform them to state your name and table 3 so they'll be assigned in the seat next to yours. Have a great night!" He smiled brightly after inputting the information into the system.

Tonight she was Luna Vanders- a multimillion dollar investor and snob. It would make it easier to fit in with the crowd that usually attended such an event.

Once she entered the large ballroom, she was surprised to see such a minimalistic design. The tables were large circles covered in white cloth with a large crystal centerpiece. There were champagne glasses and silverware lining the fine china placed before each seat. The lights had been replaced with a dim, yellow bulb that gave the room a paradisiacal glow.

Arriving at table 3, Omisha took note of the elites at the table. George Witner- founder of a billion dollar tech company- and his wife, Zina Witner- world renown fashion designer. Phillip Dallapiccola- a European royal- and his wife, Lisa Dallapiccola.

"Hello there!" Omisha smiled brightly as she sat at the table. The couples each turned to her their smiles just as bright as they quickly introduced themselves. After making small talk she excused herself to begin her scan of the room.

Omisha smiled as she passed couples, occasionally stopping to participate in some self centered conversation about assets, before her eyes finally spotted her target. Aki had just entered the room and Omisha almost smiled as she found his arm empty. Before she could begin her prowl, a large form stepped into her line of vision.

Targets (bwwm) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now