Fifty One

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"Omisha!" Odessa's cry was sharp in her ears as the woman squat close to her. A number of men armed to the teeth stood around them as they kept their eyes vigilant for any threat. Multiple vehicles pulled around them, blocking them from view.

"Nice to see yah." Omisha groaned over the pain that nearly made her feel numb.

"Come on. Let's get her out of here." Winston's voice caused a wave of calmness to flow through her body. His arms wrapped around her carefully before she was lifted.

"You came for me." She muttered as she laid her head in his neck.

"I promised you forever in every sense. Leaving you wasn't an option." The confession caused a smile to bloom on her face despite how terrible she truly felt. Omisha found comfort in her ability to wholeheartedly trust him.

"Wait, where's Dean?" The inside of the car was empty aside from the driver. The hairs on her neck stood at the idea of Dean being unsafe.

"Some of Odessa's men took him to the hospital while we came back for you. He's gonna be just fine." Winston slid into the seat next to her and allowed her body to slump against his. Odessa got into the passenger seat and the car quickly zoomed away from the chaotic streets.

"We found out they've got ties in the government. This group won't stop until you're dead and knowing the reach they have- I'm not sure I can protect you here." Odessa bit her lip as uncertainty filled her eyes.

"You don't need to worry about me. I'll figure it out." Omisha groaned back as she sat herself up higher. Winston quickly moved to place his hands on her waist to stabilize her movements.

"Easy. Easy, just relax with me." The soothing words mixed with his embrace caused her body to once again become slack. Despite his hands being covered in her blood, she interlaced their fingers and allowed herself to feel protected.

Omisha grimaced as she took note of the blood caked in both of their rings. She was sure there would be some type of damage to her ring after all she'd been through tonight.

"I've got men stationed at every entry and exit point in the hospital as well as look outs around the parameter. You can have your men cover the floors." Winston's voice became stern as he informed Odessa. As soon as they pulled into the emergency bay of the hospital, his men surrounded the car- their eyes peeled for danger.

"Ahh!" She cried as the men assisted her in getting out of the car. A trail of blood followed them as they carried her in to the hospital before a group of people came rushing over with a bed.

"Hey there. Do you know where you are?" A gorgeous, Latina woman smiled down at her.

"Yeah. Hospital." Omisha groaned out as the vest was cut away from her body. The sudden influx of air on her wounds caused a deep, throbbing ache to rattle her body.

"Good. Can you tell me your name? I'm Dr. Vasquez." Her unwavering, bright smile gave Omisha something to focus on as the bed was rapidly rolled around the hospital.

"Diane Yates." She spoke just as a set of doors were pushed open and she was placed in the middle of a room. Multiple people rushed in and out of the room as they examined her wounds.

"Alright, Ms. Yates. We're going to do our best to get your bleeding to stop." The woman disappeared from her sight as she began assessing Omisha's leg.

A weightlessness fell over her body and the lights around her disappeared behind her heavy eyelids. Frantic voices around her were the last thing to meet her ears before silence.

The sound of a mechanical ticking woke Omisha. Soft lights entered her vision and she groaned as she finally registered the pain in her shoulder area.

Turning her head, she noticed a large man sitting on a chair against the wall- his eyes glued to the door. When she turned to the door, she could tell there were more men waiting outside.

"H-" a nasty cough cut off her words and she raised her hands to cover it. The man stood from his seat and approached the bed before reaching beside her to press the call button. Seconds later, multiple nurses rushed into the room and began to asses her condition.

"So, when can I leave?" Omisha pushed her body from the bed before wincing at the pain that erupted up her cast covered leg.

"You need as much rest as possible. You got lucky this time." Dr. Vasquez shot her a look that had Omisha slowly placing herself back on the bed. "There's no guarantees, it's all just about how fast your body is going to heal. Ideally, you'll be back to 100% in 6 to 8 weeks."

"6 to 8 weeks?" Omisha repeated in shock. It was already possible for her to move on her own, so she had no doubt she'd be back to herself in less than a month. A bandage was wrapped across her shoulder and chest to cover the stitching on her wounds.

"Yes. Until then you need to stay on bed rest." Softly guiding Omisha on to her back, Dr. Vasquez went back to looking at something on a clipboard.

"Is my boyfriend here?" Looking at the door, Omisha could see feet shuffling outside.

"Boyfriend?" There was a shocked tone in her voice that made Omisha snap her head towards the doctor. Although her face only held a look of curiosity, Omisha could see the judgement in her eyes.

"Well damn, Doc. Didn't know I was that ugly." Omisha laughed in an attempt to ease the sudden tension.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant a man came earlier claiming to be your husband. It's really none of my business." The woman's face was tinted red in embarrassment as she apologized for showing an obvious bias. Omisha couldn't focus on her as her mind replayed the words over and over.

Winston claimed to be her husband? Butterflies filled her stomach and she bit her lip to keep her bright smile at bay. Looking down at her hand, her smile fell as she noticed her ring was gone.

"Where's my ring? I had it when I came here." She frantically pat the bed around her in hopes of feeling the smooth metal.

"Oh! You did have a ring. I'll go ask my attending where they placed it." Before any other words could be said, Dr. Vasquez sped from the room leaving Omisha to fume on her own. Anger brewed within her at their carelessness with the precious object.

The sound of the door reopening caused her to snap her head towards it. A feeling of happiness quickly replaced her anger as Winston quietly snuck inside and softly closed the door.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned as he shuffled closer and placed a kiss to her forehead. Omisha quickly grabbed his arm before he could pull away and puckered her lips for a kiss. He smirked before granting her wish.

"Much better now." She smiled against his lips before they shared another kiss. Instead of grabbing her like he usually did, he placed his hands on the bed and leaned over her to deepen the kiss.

Pulling away slightly, he allowed them to simply share the moment as their noses brushed. "Much, much better." He whispered before fully pulling away.

"So what's the plan?" Omisha blew out a deep breathe as she realized it was time to deal with the issue.

"The plan is you resting and getting better while I take care of you like a boyfriend should." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Winston softly rubbed up her thigh.

"Boyfriend or husband?" She teased as she recalled her doctor's words.

"Well you're gonna be my wife anyway so husband." There was no hint of embarrassment in his eyes as he spoke earnestly. His confident tone caused butterflies to filled her stomach as he stared down at her.

"You sound so confident." She chirped back unable to form much of an intelligent thought.

"Should I not be?"

Hey guys!
Sorry for not updating for so long. There's a lot going on within America and the black community that has been weighing on me heavy.

I didn't have the motivation to write but I can't keep you all waiting too long.

Sorry if this chapter sucked lol.

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