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Omisha woke with a start, the soft material beneath her body inhibiting her from fully moving from the space. Looking around, she noticed herself in a hospital bed with a clean white bandage wrapped around her shoulder.

"Hi, baby. How are you feeling?" A nurse entered the room and gently pushed Omisha back into the bed.

"What happened?" Omisha cut the small talk noting she was dressed in a gown- her weapon nowhere in sight. A panic rose in her stomach and she had to take deep breathes to keep herself calm.

"You were bleeding out pretty bad as well as you had multiple bullet fragments in your shoulder and back. The surgeon removed them so you would be able to heal properly." The nurse explained while checking the I.V. bags connected to Omisha's line. A wave of relief settled over her as she realized she would be just fine.

Closing her eyes, Omisha settled back into the plush bed finally allowing herself to be calm for a moment. The illusion of a normal life was tantalizing and one she often found herself relishing in- even for just a second. When she first began, it was a tough pill to swallow but one she eventually got down. This was the life Omisha lived and it'd be the life that killed her one day.

A knock at the door broke the illusion and she sat up to reality. The nurse stood smiling next to a stone faced Thorn.

"Ms. Quinn, your boyfriend's here to see you." The woman chirped happily, sending bright smiles to the both of them before closing the door. Omisha didn't bother attempting to guard herself as she knew if he was going to kill her, she'd be dead already.

"My boyfriend huh?" She rose her eyebrow as she smirked at him. Thorn simply stared at her- the calculating look in his eyes made Omisha jealous she couldn't read thoughts.

"It can't be..." he muttered before crossing his arms. Omisha knew he had figured out she was O, it was simply a matter of time once her cover was blown.

"In the flesh." She answered to his unspoken contemplation. His hand moved lighting fast and a glock was pointed at her head- Omisha didn't bother moving.

She lazily cocked her head to the side, "go ahead."

While he stared at her in confusion, her fingers worked at pulling the needle from the back of her hand. Once the needle was removed she'd be free to move as she pleased in case Thorn suddenly got over his contemplations. As suspected, he shook his head slightly to focus on what he was doing and Omisha quickly rolled from the bed just as a bullet pierced the pillow.

A fire erupted in her back but she ignored it as she pulled herself to her feet. Grabbing the pole that held her I.V. bags, she swung it around knocking Thorn's hand away from firing at her again. The clicking of the gun against the floor caused her to dive for it- the tip of his boot roughly making contact with her stomach in an attempt to push her away from it.

Omisha wanted to scream as pain once more radiated through her chest to her spine. Her fingers made contact with the gun just as Thorn pulled her legs back. The force of his pull sent her sliding across the room but she managed to grab on to his shirt bringing him with her. The fight was oddly quiet aside from the scuffle of feet, ruffling of clothing, and body impact.

"Would you just relax?" She breathlessly said as she climbed onto his back to pull his reaching hands away from the gun. Reaching back, his elbow made contact with her kidneys effectively loosening her pull at his arms. "Alright, fuck it."

Omisha wrapped her arm around his neck, clasping her hand on her elbow to choke him out before wrapping her legs around her shoulder blades. As she leaned back, his chest came off the floor and his hands scratched at her thighs.

"Are you done? You gonna relax?" She asked as she tightened her grip effectively stopping all movement. His face was bright red and she mindlessly counted the veins that popped out on his forehead.

A paralyzing pain shot from the back of her knee up to her neck and she felt her body freeze. Thorn managed to break his arms free from her leg hold just as the pain disappeared. Before she could once more tighten her grip, his large hands wrapped around her biceps. Omisha immediately knew what he was going to do, so she released the choke hold and jumped from his reach- her foot popping out to kick him in the back of the head.

With renewed energy, he jumped to his feet and Omisha wanted to groan in annoyance.

"Can't we just be friends?" The phrase came out hurriedly as she raced to grab his leg to keep him from reaching the gun.

She looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, "Please!" His movement stopped and they simply stared at one another- his chest puffing as she smiled softly up at him from around his right leg.

"Get the fuck off me." He growled out and Omisha pouted.

"Only if you promise not to shoot me. I mean come on, you're kicking a girl when she's down." Raising an eyebrow, she wasn't sure what she was expecting from this interact but her body begged for a day of rest. Sure, she was technically tasked with killing him but what was one day of mutual relaxation?

"You mean like slitting someone's throat while they're not looking?" The edge was gone from his voice, but not quite as humorous as Omisha's. An involuntary frown placed itself on her face at the mention of what she'd done to Jared.

"Look we've all done some hits we weren't proud of." She waved her hand and ducked her head into his leg to hide her expression.

"So you had a hit for two of my men?" He questioned and Omisha giggled- if only he knew.

"What? Who said that?" Unwrapping herself from his leg, she groaned as her body reminded her of their fight. With a quick breather she was finally back on her feet and walked back to the bed. Just as she managed to sit on the edge of the bed, Thorn's body was in front of hers- his hand wrapped tightly around her throat.

"Then who?" He growled. A foreign feeling washed over Omisha as she stared up at him. Her mind worked overtime in sorting the feeling and she almost shivered as she realized what it was- lust. Was she really lusting over a hit? Thorn at that.

"Take a wild guess." She smirked up at him as she wrapped her hand around his wrist when his fingers pressed tighter into her neck. Thorn simply stared down at her but Omisha could see the recognition in his eyes.

A yelp escaped her as he roughly pushed her back on to the small bed and she unconsciously spread her legs- the large gown falling to her waist. As he frowned down at her, Omisha finally realized he knew she was hornier than a nun.

"Whore." He spat down at her in an attempt to insult her.

"Only if you're cute enough." She winked up at him. Before he could reply, the door swung open and someone cleared their throat. Omisha smiled brightly at the large form in the doorway.

"Dr. Cook!"

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