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It was nearly 2pm by the time Omisha finally awoke for the day. She and Thorn had been in a cycle of sleeping for an hour only to wake up and go at it again. They had even moved from his room, to the bathroom, then down to a guest room.

"Shit." She groaned as she navigated into her new wheelchair, her body aching from their escapades. After successfully washing away the sin of the night she dressed in a pair of his sweats and a t-shirt. She'd be lying if she said she didn't spray a bit of cologne on the shirt so she could smell him wherever she went.

Her mind still couldn't process the fact that he had an elevator in his home- a feature she hadn't noticed until they moved from within his room.

Rolling into the kitchen, she found him hunched over a stack of papers with a cup of coffee in his hand. From the darkness of the liquid she could tell it was straight black- the thought nearly making her puke.

"Good morning, sunshine." He chirped although his eyes never left the papers. Omisha headed straight for the large fridge, her stomach letting her know it was time for lunch.

"What's this?" The question was left hanging in the air as she pulled a large green Tupperware container from a shelf. Pulling the lid off slightly, her mouth watered at the sight of some kind of pasta.

"Can I have some?" She turned to show Thorn the container she had discovered.

"Go for it." Once more his eyes never left the stack of papers but Omisha didn't care- she got what she wanted. She managed to serve herself a portion before returning the container to its original spot. She sat patiently at the island as the food heated up in the microwave.

"What are you working on?" Looking over, she could see the papers were filled with a series of numbers, charts, and short paragraphs- some handwritten while others were typed.

"Just some business." Lifting the cup to his mouth, his eyes finally met hers. Emotions swirled within her like a storm as his eyes held her captive. Before she could say anything the microwave went off, effectively distracting her from the situation.

She wanted to dance at the aroma that flooded her senses. The pasta was covered in, what she assumed to be, homemade Alfredo sauce from its light coating. Sitting the dish down at her spot on the island, she swirled some around her fork before stuffing it into her mouth.

"Mmm." The praise slipped past her as she unconsciously did a little happy dance. The pasta tasted fresh and had an authentic flavor that wasn't usually present in American Alfredo.

"Like it?" Thorn questioned as he watched her dance as she ate.

"Yes, this is so good. Doesn't taste like those cheap America versions." She hummed as she took another fork full. A good meal was the quickest way to her heart.

"A woman of good taste. I like that." He leaned back from the table as he watched her finish the meal. Omisha wasn't sure what to make of the statement. While she knew their relationship wasn't normal, she also knew it wouldn't be impossible for them to catch feelings for one another.

But could Thorn really like her? He didn't seem like the type to settle down with any woman, no matter how much he liked them. Omisha knew she didn't live a normal life but she still wished to have a normal relationship one day.

In the midst of her thinking, she hadn't noticed him getting up from his seat to stand behind her until he laid feather light kisses to the side of her neck.

"What's got you thinking so hard?" He muttered as he lightly massaged her shoulders.

"Nothing. Just thinking over what I have to do today." The excuse helped her remember she had to return to the hospital and let Tammy know she was still alive.

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