Forty Eight

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Omisha took a deep breath of her own before strutting to the front door. Her fingers shook as they grabbed the handle before she gathered her nerve and pulled the heavy oak open.

Two large men stood before her with soft smiles on their faces. Their striking resemblance to Winston caused her stomach to flip and she found herself unable to say anything.

The one closest to the door seemed to be the tallest of the three- she'd place him well over 6'0. His body was lean, his hair and beard neatly trimmed to fit his facial features. Despite his smile, something told her he was more than capable of snapping a man's neck.

The next held a more comical aura that showed within his lopsided smile and relaxed brow muscles. He stood about an inch shorter than his brother making Winston the shortest of the three. Like the other man, his beard was neatly trimmed to fit his face and his hair was slicked back.

"Hello." She finally managed to give the pair a breathy greeting.

"Wow, you're absolutely gorgeous. I'm guessing you're Nicole." He moved his brother out of the way before extending a large hand towards her. "I'm Dean."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Dean." She placed her hand in his. The shake was firm with respect but gentle enough to show his care for who she was. "And I'm guessing you're William."

"In the flesh." He smiled softly before the pair stared a handshake as well.

"Come on in." She led the pair into the home before locking the bolt once more. Standing behind them, she couldn't see if Winston still stood in the living room but judging from their lack of reaction she guessed he'd moved.

"You're more than welcome to make yourselves at home. Would you like anything to drink?" Leading them fully into the living room, she laced her hands together in front of her as she waited for them to get settled on the couch.

"Water, please." William nodded at her despite his eyes nervously darting around the area.

"You got some scotch?" Dean leaned his elbows on to his knees as he smiled brightly up at her. William sent a hefty elbow into the man's side as his eyes chastised his request. "What the fuck was that for?"

"You're not here to party. I'm sorry about that." After scolding his brother, William turned to her to apologize.

"It's fine. We're all legal adults here. Besides, I'm sure a bit of alcohol in the system will calm some nerves." She chuckled off his worry.

"That's my kind of woman!" Dean cheered before holding his hand out for her to high-five him. Omisha could tell they would be good friends.

Making her way into the kitchen, she prepared their drinks before serving them. Once they were satisfied, she excused herself once again to search for Winston.

"Winston?" She softly called as she made her way towards their room. Once she'd fully made it in the room, her heart broke at his appearance. His brows were knitted with worry, his hair now wildly atop his head, and his sweater discarded as beads of sweat rolled down his neck.

"I can't do this." He struggled out as he paced the length of their room.

"Come here." Taking his clammy hand, she sat his on the bed before moving into the bathroom to wet a rag with cold water. Returning to the room, she stood between his knees and pressed the towel to his forehead. "What are you worried about?"

"Everything." He sighed as she moved the cold material to his neck.

"Winston, look at me." Tipping his head up with her finger, she kissed the side of his mouth.

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