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Omisha loaded the clip into her glock 17 before sliding the gun into the waistband of her jeans. She'd decided on jacket which effectively covered the weapon. After slipping on her heels, she placed on a small diamond necklace to match the color pop in her heels.

"Leaving already?" Thorn was laid out across his couch, a piece of toast in his hand.

"Yup. Don't wait up." She didn't bother looking back at him as she strutted through the foyer and out the door.

They had been in a weird routine. She and Thorn were, surprisingly, assigned the same hits which usually ended with them beating each other to a pulp. Once the winner eliminated their target, they would regroup and nurse each other back to health. Oddly enough, they had yet to have sex with one another- each time they tried something seemed to interrupt or go wrong.

Omisha still hadn't figured out what to tell J about the original hit on Thorn, so the constant sleepovers were a welcomed escape from the fire of questions. Luckily her other hits were on a large scale as well so she'd have something to occupy her mind.

"Long time, no see." She greeted J as they embraced. It had been at least 3 weeks since she'd seen him in person.

"Starting to think you're outgrowing the old man." He smiled at her as they took a seat in the booth at Big Mamas. It smelt of fresh biscuits, gravy, and smothered pork chops- a welcoming smell to Omisha.

"Leroy!" The familiar maternal voice sent warmth through Omisha's stomach and she turned to see mama waddle from the kitchen, her signature bright pink cane in hand.

"Well don't you look lovely today, Beverly." J stood from his seat to embrace the plump woman. Mama was your typical black grandma- round, kind faced yet stern when it mattered. She cooked like it was no ones business and took any and everybody under her wing.

"Oh, you betta cut it out before I lay it on yah." She smirked at J before turning to smile at Omisha. "Is this little, Nicole? Look at you in those fancy clothes with your hair down your back. Give mama a hug, baby."

Omisha eagerly embraced the women, the smell of food and floral perfume mixing in her senses. Mama was one of the few people to call Omisha and J by their middle names- a feat that turned into a symbol of admiration for the pair.

"I cooked up some chili and I got a new recipe for my ribs. Imma have y'alls plates out in just a sec baby." She patted Omisha's back before returning to the kitchen again.

Big mamas wasn't the largest restaurant on the block, but you'd be a fool not to pop in for a meal at least once a week. Between the hospitality and the food, there was always something that brought new people in. Crowds ranged from black to white to middle eastern to latinos- everyone in the city knew about big mamas.

"Oo, I heard them ribs are sum fierce." J rubbed his hands together as he smiled brightly. Omisha could feel her stomach growling in agreement. The bell above the door rang, letting everyone know someone had come in, and Omisha unconsciously gripped her weapon.

Her eyes trailed over to J, his grip on his own weapon as well. At one point, multiple gang organizations tried to blackmail mama into giving up a percentage of her profits. J and Omisha personally dealt with each and every one of them.

A pit settled in Omisha's stomach as Thorn walked in with a small Latina woman on his arm- a group of his men followed. Was he stalking her?

"Well. Well. Well." J muttered as he smirked at Omisha. Rolling her eyes, she focused her attention back on the menu. It had been a hot minute since she had some of mamas deer chili and her tastebuds were fiening for a taste.

"Is that Stefano? Look at you!" The familiar name caused Omisha to tune into the conversation behind her.

"Hi, mama." Thorn knew mama? Omisha felt her mind run wild with possible explanations of how they could be connected.

"And who is this?" The displeasure in mamas voice was obvious and Omisha immediately knew she was referring to the woman with Thorn.

"My name's Rosalina." Omisha rolled her eyes at the timid voice of the woman and focused back on the menu.

"Pleasure. Anyways, Stefano have you met my baby Nicole? She's grown to be a beautiful young woman, come on." J pushed the bottle of hot sauce closer towards her letting her know the pair were coming over. Omisha straightened her back as she prepared for this whole charade.

"Nicole, meet my friend Stefano!" Omisha smiled brightly at mama before her eyes trailed to Thorn. Surprisingly, he smiled back at her as he extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Nicole." Omisha stared at his hand before her eyes met the woman on Thorn's arm.

"Hi, how are you?" She purposefully ignored Thorn and waited for the woman to answer. Rosalina stared in confusion before greeting Omisha back.

"Y'all get aquatinted while I go check on these beans. Gimme one second." Mama dismissed before waddling back towards the kitchen- yelling for her cooks to make sure they turn the pork chops over.

"Omisha why don't you and Stefano go to the deck while Rosalina and I get acquainted?" J ushered the pair apart before they could protest. Now that they'd be alone, Omisha had to face the music. If she didn't kill Thorn now J would surely suspect something was up.

"Come on, there's a beautiful view of the mural on second street." Omisha placed her arm around Thorn's waist as she guided him towards the back stairs. Her heart raced, her palms sweat, and her legs got weak. Was she really going to kill him? The closer they got to the door the more her mind screamed for her not to do it.

"So you were telling the truth about your middle name." Thorn followed her on to the wooden deck, the sound of cars on the main street masking most of their noise.

"Why would I lie about that?" Leaning against the railing, she furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Because you're a trained assassin with multiple identities." Despite the accusation in his words, he smiled softly at her. As a breeze blew past them, ruffling the potted plants that sat next to their feet, Omisha decided in her heart she didn't want Thorn dead.

"What's wrong?" Omisha struggled to find an answer to the question. Could she just be honest? Could she disobey J like that? Her mind was filled with doubts as she second guessed her instructions. The simple fact that Thorn made her question J made him a threat- a threat she couldn't afford.

Pulling the glock from her pants, she didn't hesitate as she fired two shots into his chest. His body immediately fell to the ground- a puddle of blood quickly filling the space around him. Omisha tucked the glock back into her jeans as he gasped for air, surely shock had taken over now.

Walking back downstairs, the smell of barbecue sauce met her nose causing excitement to once again fill her stomach. J and Rosalina sat at the table animatedly discussing something that Omisha was sure had no real significance.

"Hey, is that my chili?" She frowned as she noticed the nearly empty bowl sitting in front of J.

"Well, it was getting cold. I had no choice." He smiled brightly at her but his eyes told her the real reason he seemed so jolly. As she sat at the table, her phone chimed.

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"Is Stefano coming down?" Rosalina smiled at Omisha as her eyes flickered to the steps. Omisha flipped her hair over her shoulder as she picked up a piece of rib from a plate.

"He said something about handling business before he left. Pretty weird."

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