Twenty six

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"I love you, Nicole."

Omisha felt the air leave her body and she could only stare at him. Her arm slowly lowered until the gun was no longer pointed at him.

"Omisha! Do it now." J grabbed her arm and once again pointed the gun at Thorn. She rapidly shook her head and tried to move the barrel away from his head.

"Please, we can figure something out." She tried to plead as J roughly grabbed at the gun.

"Omisha this is what you wanted! This was your plan and now you're backing out? I knew you were weak!" J suddenly turned the situation around on Omisha.

Before she could open her mouth to defend herself, he harshly back handed her sending her body flying to the ground. J didn't stop there as he began kicking her as hard as he could. The assault was stopped before four rounds were fired and Omisha struggled to lift herself to stop J.

"Stop! Please, J! I-" her words were cut off by a fit of coughing, blood now filled her palm. She finally lifted her head to see Thorn's body slumped against the coffee table awkwardly but the puddle of blood filling his lap let her know J had killed him. She screamed out as a hand roughly grabbed a handful of her hair to fully lift her head.

"Look at him! No one but me will ever love you, Omisha. I'm the only person who saw the potential in you. You are nothing without me. No one wanted you, no one cared about you, you were worthless! I saved you and you will not disobey me ever again!" J's words went in one ear and out the other as she stared at Thorn's body. A baritone buzzing filled her ears and the room began to tilt.

"Okay." She whispered through the noise. J let her hair go and her body flopped to the floor. The clinking of the gun against the ground caused her to lift her head again.

"Get up. We're leaving." J growled as he walked towards the door. Omisha took one last look at Thorn before slowly standing to her feet. As she walked towards the door, she moved as fast as she could and grabbed the gun.

"J!" She spoke as she raised the weapon to line up her shot. He continued to walk before she shot a bullet into the wall beside him.

"What the fuck? Omisha?" He hurriedly turned, his eyes widening at the sight of her.

"Goodbye, J." Omisha pulled the trigger just as he began stuttering- his blood splattered against the wall. Walking closer, she continued to fire into his face until the gun clicked empty. The mess of flesh, blood, and brain matter that was once a man stared up at her.

"Fuck you! Go to fucking hell!" She screamed as she kicked him as hard as she could, tears pouring down her cheeks. Turning around, she slowly approached Thorn's body. As she squat down, she was surprised to see his chest still rising.

"Oh god! Thorn, baby, please hang on." She frantically searched for a phone. Once she located his, she called one of his men and told them to meet her at St. John's. If they took him in, it'd be easier for them to get out of trouble. Omisha didn't have the resources for that right now.

"Come on." Placing her arms underneath his, she slowly began dragging him from the house and into the car. Thankfully, J parked on the lawn like an asshole so they were no more than two steps away from the vehicle. Once inside, Omisha hurriedly sped down the streets not caring about tickets.

When they finally made it to the hospital, she didn't miss the long line of black cars all looking for their leader. Jumping from the vehicle, Omisha felt her heart pounding against her ears as she opened the door for the men to see Thorn.

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