Forty Two

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"Could we have another bottle, please?" Omisha smiled at the waiter before turning back to Thorn. The restaurant had dim lighting that gave the space an intimate feel while small lights on the table illuminated the space enough for them to see one another.

It was the first time she'd seen Thorn in a full suit and she couldn't keep her eyes off him all night. It was a custom, navy blue pin striped suit with golden buttons. His undershirt was white but his tie was a swirling red, gray and white design that added a pop of color. When they'd entered the restaurant, women nearly broke their necks to get a look at him. The contrast of such a neat appearance with the deadly aura he carried had her ready to cancel dinner and head back home.

"Have I told you how good you look tonight?" She cocked her head to the side as she allowed her eyes to trail down his body. Wiping his mouth with his napkin, Thorn smirked and leaned back in his seat- the fork still in his hand.

"I think you've said that about 20 times tonight." He chuckled as he shook his head.

"Because it's true." Picking up her wine glass, Omisha took a slow sip as she eyed him over the rim. She couldn't wait until they got home.

"If I hadn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to get into my pants." Cocking an eyebrow at her, Thorn leaned over and popped another piece of steak into his mouth.

"Oh, no. I'd never. I'm a lady, I'd never objectify you like that." The remark was laced with sarcasm. As Thorn laughed, crows feet appeared on the outer corners of his eyes and his smile lines became more prominent.

Omisha loved these kind of moments. They weren't people who did contract kills, they were a normal couple enjoying each other's company. Her dreams of living a normal life were hard to kill and times like these exacerbated her pull towards normalcy.

"I have a surprise for you after this, so stop eye fucking me and finish your food." Thorn playfully pointed his knife at her before motioning to her half full plate.

"Well now I'm more interested in the surprise than my food."

"Ahht, no. Eat." Omisha rolled her eyes before working to finish her meal. It was a deliciously smoked salmon over a bed of edamame, mixed peppers, and red cabbage.

An hour later they were cruising down the highway as a soft R&B song played on the radio. Crisp air filled the car through the crack in the back windows and blew her hair lightly.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Turning to Thorn, she hopped she could pry the information from him. Although she liked surprises, she couldn't help being anxious about where he was going to take her.

"Nope, so you may as well sit your pretty ass back and relax." He flickered his eyes to her before focusing back on the highway.

Another hours passed before they finally pulled off the highway. The streets were empty and merged into two poorly built lanes. Dark forest surrounded them and the street was only illuminated by their headlights. Just as Omisha began to feel anxious, Thorn wrapped his hand around hers and brought it to his lips.

"I promise I'm not going to murder you." He laughed lightly against the back of her hands before resting their joined hands on his lap.

"We'd be even then." She spoke before she could stop herself. Another 30 minutes of driving passed before he slowed down and pulled onto a hidden dirt path. The sound of the tires turning on the gravel further caused her stomach to turn.

"Do you trust me?" Turning to Thorn, she saw him flicker his eyes to her before turning back to the small path.


"Ah, take it easy. I'm walking blind here." She cried as she stumbled again, the blindfold over her eyes keeping her from seeing the ground before her. The sound of crickets chirping mixed with Thorn's laughter in her ears.

"Okay, stop." He pulled slightly on her shoulders to stop her from walking any further. "Take it off."

Ripping the material from her eyes, her heart raced loudly when the scene before her finally appeared. A lush field of grass sat on the other side of a worn out wooden fence. The open sky was filled with bright, twinkling stars and she couldn't contained her smile as she eyed the image. It was absolutely breathtaking. Looking out further, she finally spotted the shape of a cottage with a lake behind it.

"What is this place?" She muttered as her eyes moved back to the bright sky. It was like their own personal observatory.

"Welcome to the home of the McKinley's." All the air left her lungs at the confession and she quickly spun around to see Thorn smiling softly at her.

"My name's Winston McKinley."
We finally know Thorn's real name!

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