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"Got a first and last name, Nicole?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." Omisha smiled at the relief from the creeping awkward moment. There was something about their ability to bounce off one another that intrigued her. While she was sure she had no real feelings for the man, aside from sexual attraction, she couldn't say she despised him.

She felt her smile fall as his face suddenly dropped and his eyes held a conflicted look. Nerves built in her stomach as she put together it likely had something to do with why she was in his home right now.

"I'm not good at emotional shit, so I'm just going to say it. Some fuck drugged you last night and attempted to take you home. I had my men pull the cameras so you can watch what happened if you want to know everything, but he's already been taken care of." His voice was harsh and Omisha flinched at them. The iPad he held to her remained untouched as her heart pounded in her chest.

A rare feeling of fear overcame her as her mind conjured up the worst of the situation- her stomach turning in response. Thankfully, Thorn remained patient as she contemplated if she wanted to know what happened or live without the possibly damaging knowledge. Curiosity finally won and she took the iPad from him.

As she watched herself relive the night with Xavier, pieces of the night flashed before her eyes. The sheer terror of the moment manifesting into an unspeakable anger as she realized once more she could never trust anyone. The iPad cracked under her grip and the screen flashed with lines of red and green.

"Aye! Easy hulk." Thorn commented as Omisha snapped the device in half. As she threw the device to the ground, Thorn's smirk fell from his face and he watched as she shot up from the couch.

"I'll buy you another one." She muttered before leaving the room. The anger within her felt like a blazing fire that begged to be released from her chest and she walked aimlessly in an attempt to release the tension.

"Hey! Wait. Wait." Thorn grabbed on to her arm and Omisha bit her lip to keep from taking her anger out on him. "I have a gym downstairs, come on."

The gym in his home was massive with everything from stair climbers to large weight machines to punching bags. Before she could head to the bags, he pulled her towards a sleek black cabinet.

"Put these on." He muttered as he threw wraps towards her. Omisha had seen them be used but preferred to feel her hands actually hit the target, however, because it was his house she obliged.

He followed her to the bag, his arms going around the back to hold it in place. Omisha rolled her shoulders and squared her feet, the face of Xavier appearing on the bag. Her hands immediately began throwing a flurry of punches each one filled with more animosity than the last. Grunts of exertion escaped her as she punched the bag as hard as she could- her mind conjuring up what Xavier would look like after she broke all the bones in his face.

Before she knew it, her foot came up and she kicked the bag- a loud boom echoing through the room and Thorn stumbled back. Omisha hadn't registered the bag wasn't her true enemy and simply followed it, her hands and legs creating combinations that expressed her anger. Thoughts raced through her head each one propelling her attack to become stronger and stronger.

The filling of the bag flew to the floor, the subtle pain as it made contact with her legs fueling her anger even more. As she hit it again, the bag ripped and fell to the floor effectively stopping her next attack. Omisha took in a deep breathe to calm her wildly beating heart and heavy breathing. When she'd finally calmed down, her mind registered the pain that radiated from her knuckles- letting her know she'd managed to hurt herself.

"I'll buy you another bag too." She muttered softly.

"You're not coming over anymore if you're just going to keep breaking things." Thorn held his hands to his hips although Omisha could see the humor in his eyes.

"So that means if I don't break anything else I can come back?" She chirped as they made their way back upstairs. Silence met her ears and it gave her time to focus on unwrapping her hands. A wince escaped as she saw her raw knuckles, multiple layers of skin had been removed and they bled slightly.

"You got any peroxide?" Thorn frowned at her hands before grabbing her arm and leading her to his bathroom.

"Sit down." He roughly ordered as he pushed her towards the toilet.

"With or without my pants on?" She asked as she turned to see him reaching under the sink for the necessary materials to clean her hands. His body stilled and he peaked over his shoulder at her- the familiar frown on his face.

"Just sit the fuck down." Omisha smiled at his aggression before sitting on the cover of the toilet.

"You gonna take care of me, doctor?" She bit her lip playfully as he approached her. Placing the items on the sink, he held his hands out and Omisha rolled her eyes before placing hers in his. As he scanned her knuckles, Omisha admired the way his lashes swept across the tops of his cheeks.

"Stare any harder and you'll burn a hole through my head." He glanced up at her before looking back towards the items laid on the sink. Soaking a swab in peroxide, he blotted at her knuckles- careful of the exposed flesh yet rough enough to effectively clean the area.

"That's the goal." She reminded him. As nice as this was, she couldn't allow herself to get too comfortable. Thorn was just another target for her to knock down.

"Mmhhh." He muttered as he placed a clean bandage over her knuckles.

"Kiss it?" Omisha smiled as she held her hands up towards him. He stared at her before his eyes flickered to the bright, white bandages then back to hers. The hint of a smirk made her pull her hands back just in time to dodge his slap.

"I said kiss, not hit!" Placing her hands behind her back protectively, she scolded the man.

"Sorry, I get those mixed up sometimes." Thorn shrugged his shoulders. Hopping up from the seat, Omisha made her way towards his bed and hopped into the middle- the softness of the bed soothing her body. "Goodnight!"

"You just got up, lazy." The closeness of his voice let her know he stood at the edge of the bed.

"And now I'm going back to sleep."

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