Forty One

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"Hello?" Omisha spoke breathlessly into the phone, her mind not comprehending the name before answering the device.

"Oh! Um, should I call you back later?" Odessa giggled and Omisha could picture the woman suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.

"No! No, I was just working out. What's up?" Her foot pressed further into the man's neck as his body desperately flopped to get away. Rolling her eyes, she looked down at him and signaled for him to be quiet- she wanted to laugh as his teary eyes widened in disbelief.

"Well Charles and I are going to Vancouver for the next two weeks. James is going to be staying with my mom but I'd really appreciate it if you'd swing by to hang out with him some time. He hasn't stopped talking about you since the barbecue." Immediately James' cute face popped into her head. The two had been inseparable during the barbecue and Omisha found herself quickly caring for the boy.

"Um, yeah sure. I'd prefer seeing him in more public spaces though- if that's okay with you guys."

"That's no problem! I'll send you my mother's number and you guys can discuss more neutral places to meet." A vibration let her know she'd gotten a text from Odessa. The handle to the hotel room flipped down and Thorn strolled in- a styrofoam cup in his hand.

"Hey, I've got to call you back so I can finish off this...workout." Thorn watched in amusement as she kept the man pinned while continuing her normal conversation. His lips pulled up in a smile before he approached her with the cup extended.

"Sure no problem. Thanks a lot. If it's too much, especially with James' abundance of energy, I can understand. Talk to you soon!" The two spoke their farewells before ending the call. Omisha rolled her eyes as she finally released her foot from the man to take the cup.

"Who was that?" He questioned after placing a peck to her lips. Omisha watched as he scooped the man up by grabbing a handful of his shirt.

"Odessa. She was just calling to talk for a bit." Removing the lid from the cup, Omisha felt her mouth water at the sight of donut holes filling the large cup. They were chocolate glazed- her favorite.

"Please! Please! I swear I don't know anymore. I told you everything! I swear to God." The man cried out, his voice cracking and rasping from the previous compression of the cords.

"Hmm, I guess that's all he knows, babe. You think we should let him go?" Thorn turned to her, his hand on his chin in faux thought. From her laid position on the queen sized bed, she couldn't see the man but pictured his face set in a hopeful expression.

"Yeah, sure. He's got no more information." She spoke before popping another donut in her mouth. The light glaze on the outside had dried to a stiff covering while the donut remained soft and warm on the inside. Sounds of enjoyment left her as she popped another in her mouth.

"Well, the misses has spoken. Go ahead." Thorn gestured as he walked away from the man. There was no movement as Thorn took a seat on the edge of the bed. Omisha sat up and crawled so that her arms hung over his shoulders and her chest against his back.

She could now see the man staring up at them like a scared animal. His face was covered in his own blood, tears, and snot. There was already bruises forming on his neck and his clothes remained torn from the cuts he'd received. Omisha could make out the dried blood trailing down his arms and legs.

"S-seriously?" He stuttered out as he carefully eyed the two.

"Yeah, go." She nodded towards the door. They'd specifically come to this room as it was sound proof and only two floors from the man's previous room. He was another supposed member of this mysterious group, but they'd been given limited information.

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