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It was almost four am by the time Omisha finally left the club. She'd been trying to get information from a number of employees who worked shifts that matched the rumored appearance of Thorn. As suspected, no one squealed.

Her feet ached from the stilettos and her body shook from the bite of the night air against her skin. The glock in her clutch weighed heavier than usual as her body already wanted to give out in fatigue.

The drowsiness quickly left her body as she picked up the sound of a car approaching- the pressing of the breaks evident from the shift in sound of the tires. Rolling her shoulders, she switched the clutch to her left hand and pulled her hair to the side.

"Hey sweetheart!" Called a voice from the car. She kept moving until she was behind another car, then turned towards the voice. A tanned man smirked at her, his elbow hanging from the window of the sports car. Quickly raking her eyes over the inside she determined there was no one else in the car and focused her attention on the man.

"You deaf bitch?" He waved at her. Omisha simply stared at him, her fingers grazing the cool metal of her weapon. "Why don't you come back to my place and show me a good time?"

Bile rose in her throat at his assumption of her and she almost kept walking but the sight of a black inking along the back of his neck caught her eye.

"What's your name, handsome?" She cooed as she stepped closer to the car. The man smiled brightly as she leaned over to give him a glimpse of her titties.

"Whatever you wanna call me, sweetheart. Hop in." He licked his lips as she ran her hand through his hair. Pushing the collar from his neck, she discreetly checked the symbol- her stomach turning at its familiarity. It was the symbol for Thorn's group of men.

Walking around the car, she pulled her clutch to her stomach and quickly drew her weapon- emptying the clip into the window. Blood sprayed against the windshield and she smiled as his body went limp in the seat. Rummaging through his pockets, she took his I.D and stuck it to the window using his blood- her mark.

Looking around, she was happy to find the local businesses void of cameras. The sound of booming club music easily covering the sound of her shots. Continuing on her path, she pulled her phone out to let J know what she'd done.

What better way to get to Thorn than to have him come to her?

Thorn rubbed his forehead as he finally caught a moment of silence. The last couple days had been filled with a number of issues. Although his men specialized in hits, he also trafficked street drugs and pharmaceuticals. There had been a number of busts that almost ruined millions in products.

"T-thorn?" Called a timid voice from behind the door of his office. It wasn't even 7am and he was already tired of the sound of others.

"What?" He growled back. In walked Dedra, her head held low in respect. She was the girlfriend of one of his men and, unfortunately, a common sight.

"I-I think there's something wrong with Manny. He's been sitting in one spot since 4am and I've called him countless times." She showed him the tracking device but Thorn didn't even bother looking at it.

"So go fuckin' look." He groaned and waved her off. Although he cared about his men, it was no secret Manny stepped out on her and he wasn't going to play mediator to relationship bull.

"I think it's something serious. Please, Thorn, I have a really bad feeling." She pleaded as tears poured from her eyes- the cracking of her voice made him want to put a bullet between her eyes.

"Alright! Alright! I'll go check, fuck off now." He stood from behind his desk and she yelped before scurrying from the room. Rolling his shoulders, he placed on his shoulder holsters and secured his weapons before throwing on his jacket.

"Boss?" Called one of his men as Thorn bound down the stairs.

"Come on." He grumbled before they hopped in his Escalade. Checking his phone, he saw Dedra's text with the address of where Manny was located. Thorn promised to beat the man senseless for letting his outside life interrupt business.

As they approached the address, the flash of cop cars could be seen and yellow tape stopped them from advancing any further. Stepping from the car, Thorn noticed the familiar grey sports car but couldn't make out what was happening as people hustled to secure the scene.

"Step back! Hey! Step back!" Multiple officers yelled as they ushered the few people away from the scene. It wouldn't surprise Thorn to find that Manny had killed himself driving drunk- a feat the man couldn't seem to shake.

Stepping closer, he smoothly made his way to the front of the crowd and found a spot without an officer or truck blocking the view. Blood was the first thing that met his vision- lots of it. The mutilated face of Manny met his eyes next, bullets filled his face, neck, and upper body. His eyes noticed that not one hit the car beside his, meaning the shooter was extremely skilled.

Before he could leave, a bright white spot on the windshield caught his eyes. Nodding to his accomplice, he watched as the man distracted officers so Thorn could take clear pictures.

Walking back to the car, he climbed inside and review the photos. At least Dedra's intuition was right this time. When he finally came to the picture of the white spot on the windshield, his breathing hitched. It was Manny's I.D.

Every man on this planet knew the mark of O- it was imperative to know the mark of the person who may kill you one day. While Thorn knew he could take on anyone on this planet, O was an entirely different entity. It was unknown what they looked like, where they came from, or where they where.

O remained the most illusive competitor Thorn had when it came to contract kills, but now it was personal. If O was involved, that meant someone seriously wanted Manny dead.

I'm feeling real inspired so let's hope this lasts lol!

I really like this idea though, so I think I'll be able to finish it.

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