Forty Seven

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Omisha woke up bright and early, her body protesting despite her mind's determination. Shifting in Winston's grip, she replaced her body with a pillow and slowly crept into the bathroom.

He'd be meeting his brothers today for the first time in years so she wanted to make him feel as comfortable as possible. Instead of completing her usual morning routine, she shortened it to a shower and brushing her teeth. Not wanting to wake him by sifting through her closet, she threw on a pair of leggings and a zip up hoodie.

Finally making it to the kitchen without waking him, she quietly began the process of cooking all his favorites- cinnamon sugar bread, sunny side up eggs, grits, hash brown frittata, and a bowl of fresh chopped fruits.

Nearly two hours later, she held a large tray with two plates filled of food, the bowl of fruit, and a glass of fresh lemonade. Her arms screamed as she lugged the glorious meal up the numerous steps in his home.

"Winston, baby, wake up." She whispered as she finally entered the room. A groan was his reply before he threw an arm over his face.

"Come on, get up." Using her foot, she poked his butt before stepping back as his hand swatted at the limb.

"Fuck of-" his cranky rant was stopped as he finally realized what was in her hands. The harsh frown fell from his sleepy face and was replaced by a lazy smile. "Well, what do we have here?"

"I made you breakfast." Using his forearms, he sat up against the head board and Omisha stepped forwards to place the tray on his lap. "All your favorites."

His eyes scanned the tray before he grabbed her arm and pulled her down for a kiss. Careful of the tray, she used one hand to hold the side of his face as they shared the embrace.

"Thank you." He whispered against her lips before she backed away to allow him to eat. "You're not going to eat with me?"

"No, I have to finish cleaning up and I have some errands to run. I should be back by 2, I love you!" She called while leaving the room before he could protest her plans for the day. If she didn't leave soon, she wouldn't make it back in time to help him get ready.

As a precaution she set an alarm for 1:30 and began cleaning up the downstairs area. By the time she'd finished, each surface sparkled and sweat gathered at her brow.

"Now that's a clean house." She muttered before grabbing her keys and slipping on a pair of socks and shoes. Oliver would be meeting her at Whole Foods so they could do their weekly shopping together. It still amazed her at how good he was at catching deals.

Backing from the garage, she played her oldies R&B playlist. Just as she got on the highway, her phone rang.


"Are you on your way?" Oliver's impatient voice filled her car.

"Yes, I'm about 10 minutes away." She merged into the left lane before kicking her speed up to 75 to make her lie true. In reality she was still 20 minutes away but he'd throw a fit if she was honest.

"That's perfect. I left some coupons at my apartment, so by the time I'm back you should be here." The two solidified the plan for the day before ending the call. Pushing the pedal more, she hit 85 as she zoomed through traffic.

Ten minutes later, she finally made it to her exit and began the five minute trip to Whole Foods. The universe seemed to be on her side as she made every light, cutting her time in half. Just as she made it into the parking lot her phone began to ring.

"I'm here." She spoke before Oliver could question her.

"Great. I'm parked by the east side, second section." Following his directions, she slowly crept through the parking lot before finding a spot three away from him.

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