Thirty one

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"I don't recall." Omisha chirped back over her mug, the steam providing a calming sensation to counter her wildly beating heart. His eyebrow slightly twitched letting her know that he knew she was lying.

"I believe you know exactly what I'm talking about." She simply took another sip of her tea as she shrugged her shoulders. Although her body craved him, sleeping with Thorn would only serve to complicate an already complicated situation.

"Mmm, no. I don't think I do." Omisha tilted her head to the side, her cup hiding her smirk. It was fun to watch him become so frustrated.

"Omisha! Can you bring me some more soap? It's in the closet." Oliver yelled out interrupting their cryptic conversation.

"Duty calls." She brushed off Thorn before scurrying out of the kitchen. Looking in the closet, she grabbed a bottle of body wash and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Thanks." Oliver quickly called before closing the door again. Instead of heading back into the kitchen, Omisha ducked into the room and searched her suitcase for something to wear. She'd planned to go enjoy herself while Oliver rested then they'd meet up for dinner or something.

"Diane." Omisha jumped at Thorn's voice, her eyes widening as she watched him stalk towards her. "I don't appreciate you dodging my advances."

"Have you ever thought about why I keep dodging them?" She popped up, not liking the fact that he could look down on her.

"No and I don't care." Per usual, his hand found her waist and pulled her into his chest. Omisha rolled her eyes at his possessive nature while trying to pry his hands away from her.

"Thorn. Please, just let it go. Things between us are already...complicated. The last thing we need is sex making it worse." She finally spilled as she placed her hands in the crooks of his elbows to push his hands from her body.

"That's not true. I think sex is the only non-complicated thing about us." As she processed his words, he dipped down and trailed kisses up her neck. Now that she really thought about it, sex seemed to be their common ground since the beginning.

"Okay. Okay, but not here. Oliver's already been out all night because of us." She giggled as he eagerly picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Omisha connected their lips, a sigh escaping her at the familiar contact, and ran her fingers through the hair on his head. What started as a hot and feverish kissed burned out to something more intimate. His tongue sensually brushed along hers and Omisha moaned at the feeling.

"Not again guys. I'm too tired." The pair pulled away at the defeated voice of Oliver. Omisha pulled herself from Thorn and slid to her feet.

"Sorry. I-I'll see you later today?" Brushing her hair behind her ear, Omisha licked her lips as she waited for his answer. Oliver groaned as he crawled into bed before sighing at the soft material.

"Yeah, I'll call you." He muttered before pushing his face into the pillow. She laughed at the action before side stepping Thorn to grab herself a simple outfit.

"Come on." The pair left the room and Omisha made sure to turn off all lights before leaving. Silence surrounded them as they made their way to the parking lot.

"Your place?" She finally spoke up.

"No, I have somewhere else in mind." He grabbed her hand to pull her in the direction of where he'd parked.

"Okay but I have to be back by 6." He let out a groan in acknowledgement before opening the door for her. "What a gentleman." She mocked as she climbed inside. The remark was met with a harsh slap to her ass before he closed the door.

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