Twenty Two

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"Oliver, would you sit still so I can actually help you." Omisha giggled at the squirming man. It had been almost two weeks since he'd gotten his jaw wired shut and he'd been just as helpless as when he first got it.

She finally finished placing the dental wax on the exposed wire and moved from between his legs while removing her gloves. Although he was more than capable of taking care of himself, he somehow found a way to make Omisha do it. He let out a sigh of relief as he realized the wire wouldn't be poking him anymore.

"Don't forget to rinse tonight. I can tell you're not keeping up with what your doctor said, but you need to. It's very important Mr." She poked his chest as she rose an eyebrow to let him know she was serious. Oliver groaned again before standing and wrapping his arms around her.

He was a very touch oriented person, which Omisha had to get used to, but the more time they spent together the more comfortable she felt. The ringing of her phone interrupted their embrace.


"Omisha, can you pick up some more toilet paper on your way back?" J's voice spoke into the line.

"I just bought all that damn toilet paper. What are you doing with it?" She'd been couponing recently and stocked up on toilet paper for a couple dollars.

"Wiping my ass?" He sarcastically remarked.

"You ain't got that much damn ass, I just bought those bundles." Omisha huffed while slipping on her shoes. Oliver's apartment was right next to a shopping center so she'd be able to quickly grab some more before returning home. A vibration let her know someone else was trying to call her.

"I'll get it, alright. Let me call you back." She quickly dismissed before ending the call with J and answering Thorn.

"Hey." She smiled brightly before she could stop herself.

"I miss you. Let me come over." He whined into the phone and Omisha felt butterflies fill her stomach. Since that night in the parking lot, they'd been unable to keep their hands off one another. Omisha was officially dickmatized.

"I'm going to pick some stuff up at the store, dinner at mine?" She offered while gathering her things and triple checking to make sure Oliver had his weekly liquid diet prepared.

"See you in 30." The line went dead and she said goodbye to Oliver before scrambling out the door. She made it to the grocery store and quickly bought toilet paper, some chicken breasts, fresh broccoli, bell peppers, rice noodles, and a bottle of soy sauce. The fresh stir fry would be a nice change from her latest diet of fast food.

Omisha pulled into her driveway, quickly noticing the two familiar cars. She cursed as she realized she forgot J was staying with her for the next week. Stepping from her car, she bit her lip as Thorn came strutting towards her. Without a word, he pulled her close and kissed her softly.

"Hi, gorgeous." He mumbled against her lips.

"Change in plans. We're going to your spot." Omisha pat his chest before leaning back into her car to pull out the large pack of toilet paper. She locked the door before making her way to the front door. Before she could even begin searching for her keys, the door swung open and J greeted her.

"Here. Don't use it all this time." Omisha gave him a playful glare to which he smiled at as he pulled the pack from her hands.

"Where you going?" He asked as she turned to leave again.

"To mind my business." The statement was filled with humor but they both knew it was also said in truth. Although she respected J like a father, she was still a grown woman.

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