Task One, Part Two: Males

35 2 0

Chris Irwin

I wake up around noon today, and stretch before sitting up in bed. I look around, and I notice that a letter has been slipped under my door.

"For me?" I say to myself as I bend down to pick it up. I feel excited yet nervous as I start reading the letter.

"Congratulations! You have been chosen to participate in Capitol Hill's first ever in-school enrichment program. Your parents have been notified of this offer and have given their permission for you to participate in the program for the next 2-3 months, and are aware of why you will not be coming home for March break this year.

Please pack one backpack sized bag of clothing or any other essentials you feel you will need, as a part of the experiment includes not leaving the programs designated buildings for the duration of the program.

No electronics of any kind, including cellphones, laptops, tablets or other Personal Electronic Devices will not be permittedm only in-school computers, with permission may be used. These PED's may be dropped off at the front office before making your way to the buildins, which can be found through your map. Any student found harbouring a PED will be immediately expelled from the program and the school facility.

You will have your own room, which can be found through your gender and the number in which you have been assigned. All students must be within the buildings and in their room by 5om, any students not, will be immediately expelled from the program and school facility.

This experiment is a competition, the winner of which will recieve full scholarship to the university or college of their choice upon graduation. Good luck, and congratulations!!"

I've been picked to compete for something! Awesome! I think to myself.

I check my phone and I see that I got a text from my girlfriend, Alice, about an hour ago. My heart is racing as I unlock my phone and read the message.

Hey babe, can we talk somewhere? -Alice xx

I start packing a little before responding to her message, she probably knows I slept in anyways so she won't mind if I don't respond for a while.

I can't help but wonder what she wants to talk about. I have no idea how I'm going to tell her about the competition. I'll be away for 2-3 months...hopefully I'll figure it out.

I just hope Alice isn't going to break up with me. Not now. We've been together for about 2 years, and I hope to spend the rest of my life with her.

I sigh, and pack a few things before replying to my girlfriend's message.

Sure darling, I wanted to talk too, I miss you xx - Chris xx

I have to tell her, since I have to leave today. Alice and I plan to meet in a bit, so I continue packing for a bit before having a quick shower and throwing on some clothes. About a half hour later I make my way to the park, and sit down on a bench, waiting for my beautiful girl to arrive.

Alice walks over to me, and I stand up to greet her.

"Hey darling." I say, trying to smile as much as I can, as genuinely as I can.

I hug her tight, and she hugs me back just as tight, like she doesn't want the embrace to end. Honestly, I wish I never had to let go of her.

"Hey." She replies just barely over a whisper.

Please don't break up with me. I think to myself.

We sit down and I hold both of my beautiful girl's hands as I look into her eyes. I'm trying to smile but I just can't right now, and I can tell that my expression is confusing her.

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