Task Four: Males

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Chris Irwin

My story that shaped who I am as a person:

It was the summer of grade eleven, Alice and I were going into grade twelve together in September. I was going to visit her for the last time this summer before we went back to school.

I couldn't help but freak out a bit in my mind, because this was the day I was going to tell Alice how I really felt about her. I knew I loved her, but I haven't been able to feel it or even feel true happiness since my mother died. Alice knows this, and she's been helping me a lot since I told her about it.  

I knocked on her door, and she opened it, a huge smile forming on her face.

"Hey darling." I say, and she blushes.

"Hey babe." She replies, and hugs me tight.

"Happy year 8 months darling." I said, and kissed her forehead."

"Let's go upstairs." She says with a look in her eye and I follow her.

Once we get upstairs, Alice kisses me, and I kiss her back, pushing her into her room and closing the door behind us.  The kisses got more heated and I pushed her onto the bed.

"Ch-Chris.." She moans as I kiss her neck.

"I love you." I blurt out, and then silence follows. Alice looks up at me with an unreadable look on her face.

I get off of her and move to sit on the end of her bed. She gets up as well, and sits beside me, still silent.

"God I ruin everything, you probably don't even feel the same.." I say out loud, putting my head in my hands. What if she doesn't love me?

"Chris don't say that. Look at me."  She says firmly.

I look up at her and our eyes meet. I see an expression on her face that I've only ever seen in the movies.

"Chris, I love you too." She says, and my heart beats so hard I swear she could hear it. My eyes start to water as I feel tears brimming.

"You..you do? I-I never thought you felt the same way...I never knew I could feel the way I do right now ever since-"

"I know Chris..I know" she hugged me tight "..and yes, I do love you. I love you more than anything in the entire world. I don't know what I'd do without you." 

And that's when I started crying. Alice started to tear up too, and she wiped my tears before kissing me. That kiss is the kiss I will always remember until the day I die. That's when I knew that I was truly happy again, and that I truly loved Alice Culpepper with all of my heart.


Nathaniel Lee

Dear Journal,

This entry is going to be pretty short because I already kinda did my writing thing today. You see, we had to write "a simple story of the moment that shaped my life the most from my memory" for Mrs. Thorne. I didn't want to, I'd rather just write in here where it can stay my personal thoughts unless I want it to be shared with others, and I certainly don't want to share my life with her. Not when she's the one trying to end it. But I did it anyway, because I was afraid that she would have me killed for not going along with it. When I looked over at Sera's paper I just saw her drawing the very picture that she had drawn that got us both in this mess, the one with her middle finger pointing up to the world. It was a nice drawing, and if she made it out of here alive, and maybe was a bit less obscene, she could be a pretty good artist. Of course, I would never know what happens to her if she gets out of here because that means I didn't. I have no idea what Seth was writing, he was sitting on the other side of Sera. I can tell he doesn't like me. He hasn't really covered up the fact that he wishes I was gone. I don't really know why he hates me so much, I didn't do anything to him. Maybe it's because he doesn't want some geeky 15 year old around him and Sera. It's also pretty obvious he thinks she's hot, and probably wants to do something, if you know what I mean, before his possible death. But maybe that's not it, maybe he thinks I'm secretly like, a ninja or something that will kill him if he tries to get too close. I don't really know all that much about him. I never associated with him before this and now he only talks to me when he has to.

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