Finalist: Jaxon Salam

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Some people say that death is an inevitable force, it comes for everyone once its there time to leave, but some people say that death doesn't exist, it is just a change of worlds.

Jaxon found himself in the bathroom once again. Jaxon got up from the ground and washed his hands in the sink. He left the bathroom and walked down hall, Jaxon heard a scream from down the hall, he ran to check it out. It was Seraphine Martin, she was dead, she had multiple stab wounds in her chest and an J carved into her forhead. The person who did it was no where to be found. Seraphines eyes were still open, Jaxon closed the girls eyes. He walked down hall the thinking about how he wanted to just leave this stupid meat house of school. Does anything even matter anymore. A voice echoed from the speakers

"Dear remaining students please head to the cafeteria."

Jaxon walked to the cafeteria and sat down. Alice and the other girl Jazzy walked into the cafeteria.

"Okay students, we are gonna play a little game of man hunt and at the end only one will be stand."

Jazzy punched Alice in the face and threw a chair at Jaxon and ran out of the cafeteria. Alice got to her feet and wiped the blood from her mouth. Jaxon chased after the girl and cornered her in the bathroom. He activated his claw blade, Jazzy pulled out her weapon and lunged at Jaxon, he didn't see it coming and she stabbed him in the arm. Alice ran through the door and Jazzy whipped her blade at Jaxon, he swayed to the side and the blade wizzed past him and buried itself in Alice's chest. She fell to the floor limp and lifeless. Jaxon lunged himself at Jazzy in a rage and stabbed Jazzy in the chest and proceeded to stab her over and over.

Jaxon opened his eyes, he was in the girls bathroom. He was covered in blood. He got up and left the stall. He started to wash off the blood, then he looked in the mirror and saw three bodies on the ground all of them with their throats slit and multiple stab wounds in the chest. They all had Letters slashed in their forheads. Seraphine had a J, And Jazzy had an A. Jaxon felt blood running down his leg, he pulled up his pant leg and, there was a S, J, and an A.

"What have I done, I have become the very thing I hate. I am my father, I am the teeth in the night, I am the talons in the darkness, I am evil incarnate!!!"

Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks (FULL)Where stories live. Discover now