Student Form and Reservations

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*** Please read the rules before preceding***
***It is advised that you read the previous part for school information***

Student Form; (all parts of this form must be filled out or your student will be unable to attend Capitol Hill Private School this school year)


Age: (13-19)

Grade: (Look on the opposite page for the grades that connect to the age)


Stereotype: (eg. Goth, Preppy, Athlete, Musician, Geek, Nerd, etc.) Note: I will only accept a certain number of each (I don't want a million popular kids), so if you really want a certain kind, get your form in quick. Please ensure you see how many other kids have the same sort of stereotype you plan to do.

Hometown: (Can be anywhere in the world, or even fictitious so long as it is believable, and your student would/ can speak English)



Involvement in the School: (Extra curriculars {these can be found on the previous page})




Brief Back-story:

Token: (Something your student keeps with them almost all the time)


(A copy of the form can be found in the comments)



1. Chris Irwin (_WritingMyDreams_)
2. Nathaniel Lee (SimplyComplicated_)
3. Jack Fosse (GhostOfTheIceberg)
4. Seth Black (TheFactionless)
5. Kobalt Mykeal (FlamingFox555)
6. Jaxon Salem (JeremiahSturgeon)
7. Leo Coxx (Kittaine)
8. James Burning (TheDarknessShallRise)
9. Ricky Hart (Venus_Morgenstern)
10. Nick Grey (DarkIsLight13)
11. Sawyer Cook (AverageEverydayHero)
12. Jerome Norris (MeowChow21)
13. Quinn Peterson (SimplyDefined)
14. Elliot Greene (LolitaDollz_Rule)
15. Lola Goodwin (LolitaDollz_Rule)

1. Alice Culpeper (_WritingMyDreams_)
2. Séraphine Martin (SimplyComplicated_)
3. Embeth Langley (SilverAndGoldfish)
4. Cate de Boyd (SilverAndGoldfish)
5. Cristen Grey (DarkIsLight13)
6. Abigail Johnson (x_skycookies_x)
7. Kyrelia Falynnian (Frostlapse)
8. Juliet Conway (Mormon4life)
9. Jazzy Robinson (FrankieWritesBooks)
10. Marlene Jensen Tellsa (LesGeek)
11. Kristy Lee (TheDarknessShallRise)
12. Kennedy Starr (Kittaine)
13. Avery Jexx (sweeticake13)
14. Caroline Smith (Puurrfect13)
15. Morgana Guinevere Nimue Bennett (BertalsAwkward)


You may reserve a maximum of two tributes (male+male, male+female, female+female). Reservations last 2 days.

To reserve a tribute spot, comment below, or PM me.

Send all forms to me through PM or email.

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