Female 15: Morgana Guinevere Nimue Bennett *DEAD*

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Name: Morgana Guinevere Nimue Bennett

Age: 15

Grade: Grade 10

Gender: Female

Stereotype: Musician, Geek,

Hometown: Caerleon, Wales

Appearance: Mo has the typical nerdy-girl look: She has thick rimmed glasses over her deep blue eyes and always wears the least unrevealing clothing. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t look good- she’s just pretty much the most self-conscious girl in the school. She has blondish brown hair with a side fringe that sweeps over her eye. She tends to fiddle with the loose strand above her left ear when nervous. Her lips are a kind of peachy pink, and her braces are barely noticeable due to the lack of her opening her mouth. Mo is a bit on the too thin side of the scale, but though she tries her best, she doesn’t get a lot plumper. Her skin is a normal colour- which is strange, due to the lack of sunlight that she is in. She is quite short- a little below average for her age, which sometimes makes her feel a little more self-conscious. She normally wears jeans and tops with a shirt, but you can almost never see her without her usual leg warmers on her arms- warm fuzzy, normally pretty colourful things that make her feel warm and happy at the same time- quite the combination.

Personality: Mo is quiet-she barely speaks outside of class, and when in class only speaks when a teacher asks her to. Some even say it to be legendary if she opens her mouth in the corridors. When she does speak, it’s mostly a muddle of unintelligible gibberish.

Mo normally speaks through her music- she plays three, no four, instruments- the piano, the cello, the violin and the flute. Those who see her play know that she expresses herself with the help of those instruments.

Mo is mature, in the silent, unexplainable way, and though she isn’t popular, when she is around a sense of responsibility drifts over her. She’s intelligent, and focused, but when she doesn’t really understand something, she doesn’t stop to understand it, just crams it in her brain and hopes she remembers it. Due to this, she isn’t the excellent student her parents want her to be.

Involvement in the School: Choir, Junior Band, Stage Band and the Page One book club.

Hobbies: MUSIC. Nothing else counts. But maybe a few YA novels, classics from time to time.

Strengths: Mo has exceptionally quick reflexes and great hearing, all because of music. She isn’t the best at sports, but can run for a long time if scared (she was used to running away from bullies.).

Weaknesses: Though the little recited poem she mutters all the time already, (“Sticks and stones may break my bones, But words can never hurt me”) Mo is easy to crack emotionally- but not physically. She’s like Humpty Dumpty- except she won’t fall. Others will push her off.

Mo is also terribly scared of being alone. She never plays recitals alone, she doesn’t have a dorm room to herself, and she doesn’t go into places if there’s no one there.

Brief Back-story: Mo was raised in a well paying family- where music was never an option. She should have become a lawyer, if her mother hadn’t become pregnant with her second child, Arthur Lancelot. And, as you can see from their names, their parents are mad fans of Arthur and the Round Table. This is no surprise, since both of them are historians, and told the legendary story of Camelot to Mo every night.

Being brought up on the stories, Mo still dreams about her own King Arthur or her own Merlin- someone whom after she sees will fall in love with her and they would live together in happiness in the middle ages. But that is sadly impossible.

After Art was born, Mo was sent to Capitol Hill to let her parents have more time with the newborn kid. They found out why Mo loved music so- and now chose to believe that this was her destiny- as it was for Arthur to find Excalibur.

Token: Mo’s token is a hand-crafted necklace- it is a small bottle with tiny paper inside and the crest of Arthur burnt into the side of the glass. The small pieces of paper are actually her favourite quotes from stories of Camelot. But the necklace also has a small charm next to the bottle- a small musical note charm is hung right behind the small bottle.

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