Male 6: Jaxon Salem

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Name: Jaxon Amadeus Salem

Age: 19


Gender: male

Stereotype: athlete/ musician/ big time Star Wars geek.

Hometown: Moscow, Russia

Appearance: Jaxon is 6 foot 3 and weighs 240lbs. Jaxon has a square jaw and is considered average looking. Jaxon has a lazy left eye and his left eye is mossy green with yellow around the pupil and his right eye is ocean blue. He is very well built and has arms the size of most grown men's legs. Jaxon also has tattoos covering both of his arms and has tattoos on his neck, chest and back. On his back is a tattoo of a spine with spikes coming out of each vertebrae. On his chest he has a tattoo of a satanic ram over his heart. The tattoo on his neck is of an upside down cross.

Personality: Jaxon has a very, very dark personality, is schizophrenic and very mentally unstable. Jaxon has two different voices in his head one is a high voice and one a deep voice. Inside Jaxon's head the two voices constantly argue with one another. Jaxon is bipolar and when he's gets angry it's very hard to calm him down. Jaxon has very hard time making friends; he usually scares them away by talking to himself and arguing with people who don't seem to be there. Jaxon is very sarcastic and has a dark humour.

Involvement In school: Jaxon is very involved in football and other various contact sports such as MMA, lacrosse etc. Jaxon doesn't pay attention class all to well and is failing all of his classes with a mark of below 30%. Jaxon is street smart not school smart.

Hobbies: Jaxon loves to play any contact sport that causes bodily harm to others. He also likes to write music and is very into the star wars Sega. Jaxon also enjoys art.

Strengths: Jaxon is incredibly strong and has thick skin and is very knowledgeable in over 15 forms of martial arts. Jaxon is very focused when he sets out to get something done. Is very fast for his size.

Weaknesses: Jaxon has schizophrenia and talks to the voices in his head, he has two voices that he talks too. Jaxon is not very school smart, and his mind is often clouded with anger. Jaxon often sees things that arent there and stops what ever hes doing and focuses on them, this can be very dangerous for him.

Brief-backstory: Jaxon was abused by his alchohalic father every day and eventually his father beat his mother to death when he was 7. Ever since then he has been in a elementary boarding school. Jaxon hates his father and if he got the chance to kill him...he wouldnt hesitate to end his life in an instant.

Token: His mother gave him a teddy bear and he always has it belted to his waist.

Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks (FULL)Where stories live. Discover now