Semi-Finalist: Jaxon Salam

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War, it ain't always about fighting. Sometimes it's about knowing when to turn tail, and run your fucking ass off.

That's what Jaxon told me once. It's a great way of saying that you cant always win every war. Every one loses, eventually, it's an inevitable part of life. Jaxon Salem is a good man he stood up to bullies for me, they were giving me swirly's

and not the good icecream kind of swirly's either it was those kind of swirleys where they stick your head in a recently used toilet bowl that wasn't flushed. They held my head under water. I was getting close to drowning, and ten Jaxon walked into the bathroom and ripped them off of me and threw them into the wall of the bathroom stall, knocking it off of its hinges. Jaxon then grabbed the biggest bully and smashed is head off the glass sink, breaking it, and water started shooting out of it. Jaxon looked at me, and in his eyes I saw the devil, but when I looked closer I saw a injured man waiting to be healed.

Jaxon may look like the stereotypical jock, but he is so much more than that. He is a good man, it brings joy to me that he got accepted into the honours program, but it's been a while since I have heard anything about him.

"Earth to Richard."

"What? yeah sorry Mr. Kriven."

"You dozed off again in the middle of class. If it happens again, detention."

"Yes Mr. Kriven, sorry Mr. Kriven."

"Don't give me that 'yes' crap like we are in the military, we are in a school."

"Yes Mr. Kriv-, Ok."

"Good now does anyone know what two atoms and a neutron make?"

Just as soon as he started saying that I started thinking about what his mother told him. Stay away from the Jaxon boy, he has the devil in em'. That's what my mother always said. But she doesn't know what Jaxon did for me that no one else ever did. Jaxon and I were the only loners in school, but we never talked, never hung out or even nodded to one another.

One thing I did know about Jaxon is that he played football, and was damn good at it too.


"Richard? you can answer the principles office."


"No buts, just go."

I walked out of the class and and checked my email

"The school is lying to you."

I ran to the principles office, and waited for her to leave her office. I snuck in and went on the principles private computer. luckily her left it unlocked. I looked through every thing until i found a list of names and on certain names there was a big read DECEASED stamp on them. I digged deeper and found pictures students that I have seen around the school... they were dead. I immediately began to look for Jaxon's picture. His had no DECEASED stamp on it. I plugged my USB stick into the computers port and started to download the pictures and lists. It was almost finished downloading when I heard someone trying to unlock the door. The download stopped and I grabbed my USB drive and jumped out the window. I looked back at the computer and it said "Download complete"

"SHIT!" I said quietly as I ran and hid in the bushes.

The principle looked at the computer and saw the download complete sign. She cussed and ran to the open window to see if I was still around. She closed her window and left the room. I ran home and downloaded the file onto my computer. I noticed my parents weren't home and then I heard my doorbell go off. I walked casually down the stairs and opened the door. And there stood Principle Thorne... With a knife in her hand.

"Hello Richard."

Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks (FULL)Where stories live. Discover now