Task One: Bonus

60 3 1

'It's either an escape, or for others, prison.'
Alice Culpeper

'The school is absolutely amazing. I'm just kidding, it's bullshit.'
Seth Black

'Capitol Hills is a living death trap for students.'
-Jazzy (JJ?) Robinson

'Its fun! Till its not. Then its the Illuminati. OhMyGodMLG360-NO-SCOPEDLikeABossCauseYouAintGotThesePlainSkillsInYou’reHouseImGonnaSWATYoucauseyousucksoyeahYouAreJustSoBad'
-Quinn Peterson

'A prison to idiots, and a nightmare to the intelligent.'
-Sawyer Cook

'A poor kid’s chance at a rich kid’s life.'
-Nathaniel Lee

'Capitol Hills, where teachers suck and students swallow.'
-Seraphine Martin

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