Task Three: Females

52 0 0

Alice Culpeper

I awoke in a hallway, a few feet away from Jaxon, and looked around. I knew this wasn't going to be a normal day, especially since what happened yesterday.

I looked around and sighed, eventually sitting up and rubbing my eyes. After a while, I remembered why we were here. And I thought about Chris. I hope he is okay.

"I'm sure he's alright." Jaxon said, examining the expression on my face. I shook my head.

"I can't worry about Chris right now. He said everything will be okay, so I'm just going to go with that for now and tough this out."

I could be strong when I needed to be, and I needed to be strong right now more than ever.

"Good plan. Let's go see if we need to kill people today." My stomach lurched at his words.

I don't know how today is going to go, especially since-

My train of thought derailed when I noticed the letter beside me. A schedule to be exact.

It read,

Period 1: Physical Education

Period 2: English

Period 3: Science

Period 4: Genealogy

Jaxon read his letter and looked up.

"Well damn. We are screwed. Now we have even MORE school." He complained and sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping.

"Oh well, we'll get through this. Let's go to Phys. Ed. and kick some ass." I replied.


We slowly make our way to the gymnasium, not saying much, as we were both kind of nervous and harbouring mixed emotions. As we got to the gymnasium, we noticed another letter on the door.

Blue Team:

Chris Irwin

Kyrelia Falynnian

Sawyer Cook

Kristy Lee

Embeth Langley

Nathaniel Lee

Kobalt Mykeal

Red Team:

Jaxon Salem

Seraphine Martin

Jazzy Robinson

Seth Black

Caroline Smith

Alice Culpeper

Quinn Peterson

My heart sank as I read the list, and realized Chris and I were on different teams. I felt a lump in my throat, and I looked at Jazon, who was also reading the list.

"I doubt you'll have to kill him. Anyways, you've got me on your team." He stated. I felt a bit more confident after hearing him speak.

"You're right. Let's go." I replied, and pushed open the doors.

As we walked in, on either side of us the other students were lined up, the looks on their faces unreadable. When I saw Chris, my heart stopped. He looked pained to see me take a spot behind the black line and across from him in the gymnasium, but I had no choice. We had to be on our assigned teams.

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