Finalist: Jazzy Robinson

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"Miss Robinson, what exactly happened in your last moments in the school?"

That was one of the first things she heard when she was unlocked from her hellhole. And what she had said was, "I...wouldn't like to speak of it just get. Give me a few days before I can handle it."

But that same day, when she was excused from the office so the FBI agent could speak to her principal, JJ snuck into an empty classroom. It was old and was full of dust and when she walked, she could see dust flying in the air. She headed towards the desk smack in the center at the front and opened the drawer.

She looked for paper and a pencil and finally, she took a seat in the worn out chair. She took a deep breath and started writing her small and broken heart out.

"I guess I should start out when I first saw a dead body.

You see, I had been wandering around the large school for the next class and couldn't find the classroom that it was located in. So I decided to take a break and sat in the middle of the corridor, munching on an apple and thinking deep in thought.

After about fifteen minutes, though, I got bored. So I had stood up, grabbed my backpack, and continued on, finally walking around the corner. Right there, in the center, was a dead body. Who, I had no clue at first. And the first thought in my head was 'Dammit, I was suppose to die first'.

Being me, I walked towards the corpse and found out what used to be a living person was actually a dead Jaxon. I heard no one and so I suspected by the knife in his throat he either commuted suicide or his attacker was a good runner.

The next thing I did was to keep on walking and soon, I find myself in the big room that our journey first started at. The room that was suppose to have so many dead bodies was spotless, almost as if someone cleaned it up. And there, I saw two other girls walk in too. Both of them the other two finalists.

Now, before I continue, let me just say how many teens used to stand in that room. Thirty innocent (well, not really, according the Principal Thorne) teens stood in this room. And now, three teens, all girls, stood bravely as if their life depended on it. Because it did.

The next few moments were a blur. The first one who was killed off was Alice. Seraphine had decided, "Let me just see which one to kill. Heads or tails. Oh, Alice is heads so she gets to die painfully first!"

And so, with Alice trying to run around, Seraphine managed to get her knife into Alice's back. She could thank gravity for that. And so, when Seraphine looked over at me, I decided best for me to just kill myself there and now. Why? Because of two things: one, I don't want to be a killer, and two, I also didn't want my life taken by someone else.

I would rather get killed during my sleep when I'm old or something of the sort. Not by getting a knife embedded into my head. And that would suck. And so, I cautiously walked towards Alice's rotting corpse. Seraphine kept her eyes on me as if saying, "Don't do anything stupid that could kill you because I wanna do the honors."

I grabbed the knife out of Alice's back and raised it to my neck, not minding the red liquid staining my shirt. Seraphine seemed to get the message and she remained there, ready for me to slit my throat and end my life. I managed a small smile as I shut my eyes and started to swipe the knife past.

But, like I said, the rest was a blur. I don't remember how but I apparently was now unarmed and Seraphine was collapsing to the ground, a knife in her chest. And the only thought running over and over and over again in my head was so true and so horrible.

In the end, I was a killer.

And so, as I finish this note, I've realized I have to thank a few people included in this.

Thanks, Principal Thorne, for making me face this. Even if you're a sadistic bitch, I don't care. You taught me life is worth living. Plus, it also reminded me to stick to the right path and to make sure I don't turn out like you.

I guess I'll have to thank my Grandpa Frank. Thanks because your head and advice stuck in my head at the end of this whole project. And also, you taught me to put others first before yourself.

I'm sorry to everyone that's dead. I wish I could help you all but I guess when you die, well, you stay like that. And I really hope that in the end, hopefully I can find you guys there soon. Sorry again.

And lastly, I'm sorry, Seraphine, for killing you. I honestly think you should have survived so you could continue your badass ways. But I guess my mind thought first before I was able to die. I won't mind if you want to haunt me for the rest of my life. I at least will be grateful that you actually saw me writing this.

This is JJ, signing out. See ya!"

And there, she folded the piece of paper up and stood up, leaving the classroom like the way it was. Except with less dust, for once. She walked down the hallway and back to the office, quickly slipping inside and dropping the piece of paper on the desk. She met the principal's eyes and she managed a playful wink like she was saying, "Ha! I win, you lose!"

JJ turned and walked out, making her way down the hallway. She heard someone calling her name, Jazzy, and she turned, seeing a few more FBI agents with her parents and her grandpa. She smiled and ran towards them, actually seeming to enjoy their presence.

Perhaps she would go by Jazzy. Yeah...that had a better ring to it than JJ. And as her bloody journey comes to a close, Jazzy lastly has to add this part:


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