Female 3: Embeth Langley*DEAD*

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Name: Embeth "Beth" Langley

Age: Seventeen

Grade: Thirteen

Gender: Female

Stereotype: "Um... Does overachiever count as a valid stereotype?"

Hometown: Caribou, Maine, USA

Appearance: Almost everybody in the school is familiar with colorful hair and regal stature of Embeth Langley. She's is a pretty girl to say the least, though her tendency to forget about sleeping makes her look a little bit tired at times. Since she started school at Capitol Hills, her hair has been at least nine different colors and is currently streaked a myriad of bright shades along with her natural blonde color. Her hazel eyes usually peer out from behind a pair of "smart people" glasses. She's a tall girl who carries her athletic body with a proud, slightly intimidating air.

Personality: To keep it simple, Embeth is a bit of an overachiever. She tends to go above and beyond with things she's done not to prove a point, just because she likes to. Her mind is usually all over the place, simply because she is too. Though scatterbrained and a bit forgetful, she is a very smart girl and her brilliant mind shows in the things she does. She is also very competitive, getting heated and rather passionate about the things she does. Embeth is usually very independent and is an excellent leader. Though she does have faults, very clear ones, she is usually very friendly.

Involvement in the School: Let's see... Soccer, Basketball, Track and Field, Yoga, Archery, Art, AV Crew, Yearbook, Page One, Photography, Choir, Senior Band, Stage Band, Sports Council, Music Council, Prom/Grad Committee, Student Council. You name it, there's a chance Embeth Langely has dabbled in at some point or gets involved in some way, no matter how much of a scheduling conflict that creates.

Hobbies: Though Embeth hardly has time for hobbies with everything she does, she does have quite a few of them. Among the things that don't relate to her clubs at school are writing, dancing, video gaming, and collecting Pokémon cards.

Strengths: Embeth definitely knows how to handle stress and it will be hard to pressure her or worry her. As a girl who has played almost every sport offered by her school, she's definitely an athletic girl. Her leadership skills have yet to be matched by anybody she's ever met: she knows how to take charge.

Weaknesses: Embeth is not the best at backing down, she never knows when to give up. She is often too proud to ask for help, even when she knows she needs it. Though she's a friendly girl, she's very competitive and that often gets the best of her.

Brief Back-Story: Embeth has had a bit of a chaotic, whirlwind life. She and her parents were on the move a lot when she was young, as they were young journalists always chasing their next big story. When they finally settled down, after Embeth's little brother Alec was born, she was seven years old. By the time she was eleven, she had two more little brothers, Brodie and Callum. She started school at Capitol Hills when she was thirteen. Embeth has been dating her girlfriend, Cate, since they were fourteen.

Token: Her planner, in which she writes down her list of things to do each week and her upcoming events and notes about how things are going and reminders and generally anything that might be important to know.

Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks (FULL)Where stories live. Discover now