Male 5: Kobalt Mykeal (SEMI-FINALIST)

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Name: Kobalt Mykeal

Age: 19

Grade: 13

Gender: Male

Stereotype: Athlete, Geek, Popular Guy

Hometown: Boston, MA

Appearance: Kobalt has dark chestnut hair that he usually gels into a side quif and puts it under a snapback. His eyes are a beautiful shade of sky blue with a dark blue ring around the iris. Kobalt has pale skin with thin - ish lips that are a pale pink. Kobalt has very light stubble on his heart shaped face. Overall, Kobalt is a handsome young man.

Personality: Kobalt is a rather nice person. He isn't overly nice though. He is helpful to everyone... Even to people he dislikes, even though sometimes he lies to the people he dislikes. Even though Kobalt is kind, he has determination. If he wants something or to do something, he will do anything to try to get or do that. If Kobalt gets mad then, you better watch out! He is arrogant, and very rude and doesn't give a crap about anyone's feelings. But on any other day, Kobalt is nice. Kobalt is actually very smart. All he ever got was A+'s in his whole entire life.

Involvement in the School: Football, Archery, Track & Field, Drama

Hobbies: Kobalt likes to play video games, Read on wattpad, play sports, and listen to music.

Strengths: Kobalt is naturally strong so that can be a plus. Kobalt is very fast. He is good with a bow. Kobalt is a very good actor.

Weaknesses: Kobalt only has 3 weaknesses. Bugs, his hidden pressure points, and his kindness.

Brief Back-Story: Kobalt was born on May 5th to Annika and Ash Mykeal. When Kobalt was 10, his parents noticed that he looked at boys a lot. What they didn't know was that he was bi and liked boys more then girls. When they found out, Kobalt's dad secretly abused him. One day, When Kobalt was taking a nap, Kobalt's dad came in the room and well... raped Kobalt. Over and over and over. It was torture. Until Kobalt's mom came into the room. She called the cops and they arrested Ash. Then everything was happy again.

Token: A gold watch that Kobalt got for his 9th Birthday.

Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks (FULL)Where stories live. Discover now