Male 3: Jack Fosse *DEAD*

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Name: Jack Fosse

Age: Seventeen

Grade: Twelve

Gender: Male

Stereotype: Emo, druggie, alcoholic

Hometown: Erie, Pennsylvsnia

Appearance: Though Jack isn't the most muscular guy around, he's still tall and fit, built like a dancer rather than a football player. His hair, held back in a cool kind of ponytail with a pencil tucked behind his ear, is a light brown colour with cinnamon-like streaks. His eyes are a green that, though they would be nice if they had more life, on him look simply dead. Odd as it is, considering his behaviour, he has a very childlike face with smooth, innocent features; big doe-like eyes, an average nose, thin lips with white teeth and only the slightest hint of stubble decorate his face. His skin is considerably pale, and freckles decorate his arms, legs and shoulders. Jack typically dresses in a laid-back but nice style made of cozy, classy sweaters and black or white jeans.

Personality: Like many people, Jack doesn't like for people to know quite who he is - but this doesn't necessarily make him mysterious. Typically he behaves in an optimistic and naive Disney-like behaviour, constantly chattering and making friends. However, when he's too tired/stressed to care, drunk, high, or alone, Jack breaks down. His inner thoughts are always very cynical, typically filled with inappropriately dark humour. He is known for having a short fuse and snapping easily, especially when faced with authority.

Involvement: Nothing. As soon as the day is done, he goes right to work (a Cineplex) so he can save up for university.

Hobbies: When Jack bothers to take his time to himself, he mainly focuses on photography, reading and dancing.

1. Fit - will probably come in handy in a physical fight.
2. Liked - with any luck people will hesitate to kill him
3. Intelligent - will help with strategy.

1. Careless - may get himself in danger.
2. Unbalanced - mental/emotional tasks may prove challenging.
3. Remorseful - it's unlikely Jack will forget a single death in the arena.

Backstory: If they knew just how much Jack has lived through, nobody would paint his life as anything but difficult. Having his parents die when he was eleven was very difficult, though his older brother Aaron (now 22) looked after him and they got better; Jack admires him so much that some people think it weird and obsessive. Though he has many friends, he only really focuses on one: Ella. As far as relationships go, Jack isn't particularly active, mainly because it's difficult even as a closet bisexual. At fifteen, however, he started secretly seeing a guy named Ricky, who wounded up being a cheater and emotionally abusive. This led him to using weed as a coping device.

Token: A note written for him by Aaron.

Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks (FULL)Where stories live. Discover now