Male 11: Sawyer Cook *DEAD*

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Name: Sawyer Cook

Age: 15

Grade: 10

Gender: Male

Stereotype: Know-it-all, Prep-school kid.

Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand

Appearance: Sawyer Cook has almond brown hair that is brushed forward into small spikes that are only present in the front, then otherwise flattens in the middle and back of his hair. His eyes are gentle, and calming pools of pale blue, and his smile is porcelain white with dimples on his cheek. He's tallish at 6'1 in height, and his build is quite moderate to slightly above average. He has light ivory skin, and he sometimes carries a smug look on his face. Most of the time he remains serious, and he never comes off as easy-going.

Personality: Remember that kid at your school who sat in front of the class, and knew everything somehow? That's Sawyer in a nutshell. He's the kid that practically teaches the class, is the teacher's pet, the goodie two shoes, and the arrogant smart ass whose witty in the most annoying way. He is the know-it-all, who can come off as a snarky jerk fairly easily, and is a natural born leader. However, although Sawyer makes all the qualifications to be a geek or nerd, he's not a nobody, and is popular, just in a different way. He's head of the student council for grade 10, and plays varsity soccer. Everybody knows who he is, whether negative or positively, and has fairly good social skills. He does talk to girls, and he actually has friends, as annoying as he is. He's intelligent, witty, sharp-tongued, arrogant, stubborn, and bossy, but don't be too quick to judge. To friends, and girls he finds to be pretty, he can be rebellious and will abuse some of the advantages of being student council and teacher pet for the fun of it, he'll also be loyal, helpful, generous, and even caring. Sawyer is the popular know-it-all, easy to hate, but even harder to let go.

Extracurricular activities: Runs Student Council for Grade 10, A.V Capitol T.V, Varsity Soccer, Yearbook, and Prom/Grad committee

Hobbies: Piano, collects concert, park, and movie tickets, after school tutoring, and AVID reader.

Strengths: Intellect, leadership skills, and agility.

Weaknesses: His arrogance will probably get him on kill lists, his narrow mind blinds him, and he doesn't do fist fights...

Short Backstory: Raised in Auckland, New Zealand, Sawyer was always a city-boy. His mother is a food caterer, and his father owns a local restaurant in the more rural, urban area of Auckland. Neither of his parents attended college, and they deeply regret that, and believe they could have become somebody. Instead, they live a lower-middle class lifestyle, with their only child Sawyer. Sawyer being their first, and only child, was taught how to read at an early age, and unlike other children, wasn't allowed to watch cartoons for the fear that they burn brain cells. As gifted as he was, his parents wanted him to have a higher education, so he didn't end up like them, and simply refused to enroll him in the local schools. Soon enough, after being extremely picky, Capitol Hills private school met their curricular expectations, and Sawyer was enrolled the following semester.

Token: ......A small stuffed giraffe you can fit in your pocket....his mom gave it to him on the first day. (Don't judge)

Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks (FULL)Where stories live. Discover now