Task Two: Food Fight

187 3 6

Your tributes fell asleep in their dorms, where no locks, although perhaps a chair or table, guarded them. During the night, a thin gas spread throughout the building, ensuring the students' unresponsiveness. In that time they were moved, and changed into identical black pants and white collared shirts, complete with black running shoes. The girls have their hair pulled back with a single ponytail.

They are now asleep in a circle around the centre of the building's run-down cafeteria. Each about 10 metres from the centre, yet close enough to touch the person beside them. Outside of their circle are various tables and chairs, standing upright and laying on their sides, in the corner in the kitchen, from which a rotten smell wafts; nothing edible is there, until you count spiders and nasty looking rats.

Within the centre of the circle is a single table, upright and topped with food, hygienic supplies and other various things the students may want and need, including, of course, a number of different weapons. Considering, of course, that should they decide to go back to their rooms, they will be empty, the only item each have been allowed to keep is the single item deemed most important to them (that would be their token). *Note: if you mention your tribute having anything they packed/ brought that isn't their token or they didn't find at the centre, a point will be deducted from their score.*

At exactly 10am a loud bell rings, awakening the students. They have exactly a minute to realize where they are as the Principal's voice floated around them, "You have been very bad students, all of you; now it is time you were punished. I do hope your peers follow the rules after this, after all, only one of you is getting out of this building alive."

After a minute has passed another bell rings; the Games have begun.

*Note; the cafeteria doors are locked and will not open until the appropriate number of students have died.*


Your Task;

Survive Principal Thorne's version of the bloodbath, complete with limited supplies, a bleak 'arena', the lose of personal items (other than your token) and killing.



Your tribute must hear the Principal's voice and realize what this means. After the second bell they are allowed to go get supplies; they must go to the table and grab at least one item, please remember that there will be 29 other students of various mental states there.



Your tribute must see being killed, hear being killed, or kill 8 students. At that point the cafeteria doors will open and you will be allowed to leave to various parts of the school, if you wish to. There will be no ballot deaths. Please send a list of the tributes killed in your entry to me, if I do not receive this, your kills will not count. (Each kill will subtract one point from the killed student's score)

The 8 tributes with the lowest scores will be put up for votes, the 6 with the least amount of votes will be eliminated.


Sponsor Perk;

Sponsored tributes may send 2 ballot deaths on top of their normal 8 kills. Do not include these deaths within your entry, just add them to the bottom of your kill list.


Word Limit: 1500 words maximum

Due Date: Thursday March 5th, 2015, 8pm EST

Either PM or email your entries.
Any questions or concerns can be directed through comments below.

Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks (FULL)Where stories live. Discover now