Quarter Finals: Scientific Experiments

93 2 14

An announcement goes through the school, the P.A. system crackling as it reads off the list of dead students: Seth Black.

(Due to the fact that there was a tie with the voting, both Chris Irwin and Kobalt Mykeal will be moving on to this round)

The remaining students sit quietly in their respective hideaways, all hungry. Few food items had been at the initial 'Bloodbath' and by now they were feeling it. With groans they make their way to their third people class- science- and discover themselves once again in a room with the other tributes. Before any of them can grab their weapons they are alerted to the writing on the chalkboard at the front of the room.

Welcome students to science class. You will not kill any students other than those specified to you in this room. Using whatever scientific means necessary, you must kill your partner, when half of you- one from each pairing- is dead, the doors will be unlocked and  you will be allowed to go on your way. I would do so quickly if I were you, the cafeteria has lunch made and ready for those who remain.

The pairings are as follows:

Chris Irwin & Kobalt Mykeal

Kyrelia Falynnian & Jaxon Salam & Jazzy Robinson (In this case you must kill both of the other tributes rather than simply one)

Sawyer Cook & Nathaniel Lee

Alice Culpeper & Seraphine Martin


Your Task & Requirements:

We all know the various means to be killed in a science classroom by various scientific methods. Therefore, very simply, you must kill your assigned partner(s) using whatever method you want. You cannot exit the room until your partner is dead, you must be the surviving partner.

If it makes much difference to your entry, the students that win get food (and they haven't had it for a while). Just a bit of motivation for some starving teenagers.



In your entry you may only kill your partner, however, your partner doesn't have to be one of the tributes you ultimately kill. Therefore, please send me 5 ballot deaths along with your entry.


Sponsor Bonus:

Sponsored tributes will be allowed to write an extra 400 words if they choose.

This is the last round to use an automatic 12 and/or the +2 (take away 2 ballot deaths) if you haven't yet used them.


Word Count: 1500 words maximum.

Due Date: Saturday, May 30th 2015. 8pm EDT

Any and all questions or concerns can be sent through the usual methods.

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