Male 9: Ricky Hart *DEAD*

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Name: Ricky Hart

Age: 17

Grade: 12

Gender: Male

Stereotype: Musician, Athlete

Hometown: Toulouse, France (even though his family is American)

Appearance: Ricky has shaggy black hair that goes to his chin. You would see it in a pony tail most of the time while in band practice. His eyes are hazel that always switch between green and brown. If he is in a good mood they would look almost gold like. He is tall and muscular but that comes from playing the drums and so many sports for so long years.

Personality: He is an easy going guy. Enjoys laughing and is great with people. He is kind, caring, and considerate to others. He prefers to see people happy and laughing than sad and crying so he is there to make them happy. Even though he is sad inside.

Involvement in the School: He is in the Senior Band, Stage Band, Football, Basketball, Track and Field, Archery, Swimming, Page One (secretly), and Photography (also secretly).

Hobbies: He enjoys reading and writing. Also strangely likes horse back riding even though many do not get why.

Strengths: Good swimmer, excellent archer, fast runner, really naturally strong and makes friends easily.

Weaknesses: Trusts to easily...

Brief Back story: His mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when he was 13, that was when he was sent to Capitol Hills. Only 2 years later she dies. Ricky regrets that he was not there with her every step of the way but is great full that he was not at the same time. He wants to remember his mother the way she was before cancer and all the chemo therapy.

Token: A necklace with drum sticks in an X given to him by his parents before he left.

Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks (FULL)Where stories live. Discover now